Professor 格雷琴北
约翰W. McMenamin Endowed Chair in Biology
B.A., Stanford University; M.A., University of Connecticut; M.A., College of William and Mary; Ph.D.,加州大学洛杉矶分校
Tuesday 3:00pm-4:30pm, Thursday 3:30pm-5:00pm

格雷琴北 investigates how plants cope with physically challenging conditions.

Dr. 北's research focuses on plant physiological ecology, with an emphasis on the water relations of arid-land plants and plants in the rainforest canopy; she also investigates cellular and subcellular mechanisms of plant water uptake and transport. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution. She received the Loftsgordon Outstanding Teaching Award in 2008, the 格雷厄姆L. Sterliing Memorial Award for distinguished teaching, 服务, and professional achievement in 2012, and the Linda and Tod White '59 Teaching Prize in 2015.

Courses | Selected Publications | 实验室成员 | Projects, presentations


Bio 110 Organisms on Earth

Bio 250 Plant Form & 函数

Bio 275 Flora of Southern California

Bio 380 Plant Physiological Ecology

CSP 96 Experiencing Science and Math

Dr. 北 also teaches in the California Environment Semester and co-directs the COSMOS program.

Selected Publications

北克B, Browne, MG*, Fukui, K*, Maharaj, FDR*, Phillips, CA*, and Woodside, WT.*2016. A tale of two plasticities: leaf hydraulic conductances and related traits diverge for two tropical epiphytes from contrasting light environments. Plant, Cell 和Environmentdoi: 10.1111 /四氯乙烯.12697

Coleman-Derr D., Desgarennes, D., Fonseca-Garcia, C.格罗斯,S., Clingenpeel, S.哇,T.,北,G.维塞尔,A., Partida-Martinez, L.P. & Tringe,年代.G. 2015. Plant compartment and biogeography affect microbiome composition in cultivated and native Agave species. 新植物学家, 209: 798-811.

北克.B., F.H. 林奇,F.D.R. 大师* C. A. Phillips*, and W.T. 伍德赛德*. 2013. Leaf hydraulic conductance for a tank bromeliad: axial and radial pathways for moving and conserving water. Frontiers in Plant Science 4(78).

普拉特,R.B., A.L. 雅各布森,J. 埃尔南德斯,F.W. 大口水壶,G. B. 北方和南方.D. 戴维斯.  2012. Allocation tradeoffs among chaparral shrub seedlings with different life history types (Rhamnaceae).  American Journal of Botany 99 (9).

加勒特T.Y.*, C-V. 黄*和G. B.  北. 2010. Root contraction helps protect the “living rock” cactus Ariocarpus fissuratus from lethal high temperatures when growing in rocky soil. American Journal of Botany 97(12): 1–11.

普拉特,R. B., G. B. 北,. L. 雅各布森,F. W. Ewers和S.D. 戴维斯. 2009. Xylem root and shoot hydraulics is linked to life history type in chaparral seedlings (Rhamnaceae). 函数al Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2009.01613.x

普拉特,R. B., A. L. 雅各布森,G. B. 北,我. 麻袋和H. J. Schenk. 2008. Plant hydraulics: new discoveries in the pipeline. 新植物学家 179: 590-593.

北克. B., E. K. 布林顿*和T.Y. 加勒特.* 2008. Contractile roots in succulent monocots: convergence, divergence and adaptation to limited rainfall. Plant, Cell 和Environment 31: 1179–1189.

Bobich E. G. 和G. B. 北. 2008. Structural implications of succulence: architecture, 解剖学, and mechanics of photosynthetic stem succulents, pachycauls, and leaf succulents.  In: De la Barrera E. 史密斯·W.K., eds. Perspectives in Biophysical Plant Ecophysiology, pp. 3-38; UNAM Press.

北克. B. 和E. A. 贝克.* 2007. Water uptake by older roots: evidence from desert succulents. HortScience 42: 1103-1107.

北克. B. 和C. A. 彼得森. 2005.  Water flow in roots: structural and regulatory features. In Vascular Transport in Plants. Academic Press/Elsevier Science (in the Physiological Ecology series), pp. 131-156.

北克. B. 2004. A long drink of water: how xylem changes with depth. 新植物学家 163: 447-449.

北克. B., P. 马特和P. S. 诺贝尔. 2004. Aquaporins account for variations in hydraulic conductance for metabolically active root regions of 龙舌兰deserti in wet, dry, and rewetted soil.  Plant, Cell 和Environment 27: 219-228.

Martre P., G. B. 北部,E. G. 博比奇和P. S. 诺贝尔. 2002. Root deployment and shoot growth for two desert species in response to soil rockiness. American Journal of Botany 89: 1933.

Martre P., R. Morillon F. Barrieu G. B. 北,P. S. 诺贝尔和M。. J. Chrispeels. 2002. Plasma membrane aquaporins play a significant role during recovery from water deficit. Plant Physiology 130: 2101-2110.

Dubrovsky J. G. 和G. B. 北. 2002. Root structure and function. In Cacti: Biology and Uses. University of California Press.

Martre P., G. B. 北方和北方.S. 诺贝尔. 2001. Hydraulic conductance and mercury-sensitive water transport for roots of Opuntia acanthocarpa in relation to soil drying and rewetting. Plant Physiology 126: 352-362.

北克. B. 和P. S. 诺贝尔. 2000. Heterogeneity in water availability alters cellular development and hydraulic conductivity along roots of a desert succulent. 植物学年鉴 85: 247-255.

北克.B. 和P.S. 诺贝尔. 1998. Water uptake and structural plasticity along roots of a desert succulent during prolonged drought. Plant, Cell 和Environment 21: 705-714.

Dubrovsky J.G., G. B. 北方和北方. S. 诺贝尔. 1998. Root growth, developmental changes in the apex, and hydraulic conductivity for Opuntia ficus‑indica 在干旱时. 新植物学家 138:75‑82.

诺贝尔,P. S., M. 卡斯塔涅达,G. B. 北部,E. Pimienta-Barrios, and A, Ruiz. 1998. Temperature influences on leaf CO2 exchange, cell viability and cultivation range for 龙舌兰tequilana. Journal of Arid Environments 39: 1-9.



G. 北'a lab group in 2015-2016.

Front row: Marvin Browne, 蒂芙尼许思义, 格雷琴北, Erin Brinton (post-doc); Back row: Skye Harnsberger, 本•斯科特, 玛德琳吉尔曼.