Professor, Art and Art History; Emeritus (1986-2021)
B.A., Dartmouth College; M.A., Syracuse University; Ph.D.纽约大学
Weingart 113
周二 & 周三4:00-5:00或预约

罗马美国科学院院士, 埃里克·弗兰克's academic expertise is in Italian Renaissance art.

Educated at Dartmouth College and New York University’s Institute of Fine 艺术, 埃里克·弗兰克 is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome and an expert in Italian Renaissance art with a special interest in the history of the classical tradition in Western art, 从希腊到文艺复兴早期. 一位著名的学者. Frank has served as Chair of the Department of Art and Art History, Chair of the National Test Development Committee for the AP Art History Curriculum, and Chair of the Renaissance Society of Southern California.  He was Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs from 2005-2010. 2016年8月, he was awarded The Linda and Tod White Teaching Prize, which recognizes faculty who are exceptional teachers and mentors.  His current scholarship focuses on Giotto’s paintings in the Arena Chapel in Padua. 


ARTH 170早期欧洲艺术介绍

European painting, 雕塑, 和建筑, from the Prehistoric Aegean to Renaissance Italy. Although the course will proceed chronologically, its goals are to introduce the student to a range of art historical skills and issues, 包括:文体分析, 图解, the relationship between image and the artist's biography, and the relationship between the image and its historical context. 须参观博物馆. 不向老年人开放.


An investigation of the art 和建筑 of ancient Greece and Rome from the Helladic era (c. 1500 BCE) to the appearance of Christianity in late Roman antiquity. 雕塑, 金属制品, 壁画, 花瓶画, 建筑也会被考虑, with particular interest in how these forms are reflective of the fundamental 政治, 精神上的, and philosophical developments during this era - as well as how these artistic forms serve as the foundational elements for European Art History.

ARTH 275早期基督教和中世纪艺术

An introduction to the major works and issues of the period through an examination of key moments in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, 从c. 公元300年到1500年. 对形式的研究, 语言, and uses of medieval visual culture will be related to the circumstances associated with the demise of the Roman Empire, 北欧人的迁徙, 世俗统治者的权力日益增强, 修道的发展, and the theological perspective of the Roman Christian Church. Art 和建筑 associated with contemporary monotheistic religions (Judaism, 伊斯兰教)也将被考虑.

ARTH 280米开朗基罗

This course is designed as an introduction to the life and work of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564). 我们将调查他的画, 雕塑, 和建筑, while considering its context within the major urban cultural centers in which he worked: Florence and Rome. 本课程将按时间顺序进行, but will vary from week to week as to relevant themes and methodological approaches to the career of, 可以说, the most influential of all Renaissance artists. Among those topics to be explored: development and dissolution of a classical vocabulary, 风格和技巧之间的关系, 艺术传记和自我推销, the relationship between Christianity and sexuality for Michelangelo and the Cinquecento, 佛罗伦萨和罗马的赞助和背景, 古典形式的发展, 和修复后的西斯廷教堂的意义.


This course examines the development of Italian Renaissance architecture, 从1300年到1550年. It will consider buildings in the civic and ecclesiastic context, both sacred and secular. The evolution of this tradition will be studied in relationship to issues of function and structure; contemporary writing; and religious, 政治, 以及经济影响.

ARTH 372威尼斯文艺复兴时期绘画

This course examines the development of Venetian painting in the 15th and 16th centuries. Among the artists considered will be Carpaccio, 乔凡尼贝里尼, 提香, 丁托列托, 和保罗·维罗内塞. This course will focus on the unique geographic and historical context of Venice, “最宁静的共和国”(La Serenissima), and its (WHAT IS "IT") extraordinary influence on the history of European painting.

ARTH 373 Major Figures in the Italian Renaissance

Painting, 雕塑, architecture, and urban planning of Michelangelo Buonarroti. This course considers the development of the artist, from his apprenticeship in the shop of Domenico Ghirlandaio, 通过他在罗马的晚期画作. All works are considered for their stylistic, iconographic, and social context. Particular attention will be paid to the urban and specific 赞助 context of each work, which is critical in order to develop a more complete understanding of Michelangelo's art and intellectual development. This course requires travel to Italy during the winter break.

ARTH 374意大利文艺复兴早期的艺术

A survey of the painting, 雕塑, 和建筑 of Italy, from about 1300 to 1500. All major figures, including Giotto, Ghiberti, Donatello, and Botticelli, will be considered. 作品将根据设定进行审查, 赞助, 以及文化背景, 除了风格和意义的问题.

ARTH 376十六世纪意大利艺术

文艺复兴和矫饰主义. Among the artists considered are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, 提香, and Raphael. Of special consideration is the nature of the Papacy, 作为艺术的赞助人, 和罗马城, 作为艺术活动的背景. The course will also consider the reasons for the dissolution of the classical tradition during this time by artists such as Pontormo, 帕米贾尼诺, 和朱利奥·罗马诺.


An examination of the artistic traditions of Northern Europe 从c. 公元1400年至1600年. Points of consideration include significant artistic personalities and individual works, 赞助人与形象的关系, 领土的区别, in addition to the connection between Northern and Southern (Italian) visual developments during this period.

ARTH 490美术史高级研讨会

只开放给高级艺术 & Art History majors with an emphasis in History of Art.

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