Visiting Associate Professor, Geology
B.S., Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S.宾夕法尼亚大学
HSC 221
Mondays 10:30-11:30 AM, Fridays 10:30-11:30AM, by appointment in HSC 221

安布莱斯 teaches Introductory Geology, 现场方法介绍, 地貌学, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.

Her research applies low-temperature thermochronologic methods (fission-track and (U-Th)/He analyses) to geologic problems involving tectonics, 结构, 和地貌学. Ann has worked on projects in Alaska (the Brooks Range), 喜马拉雅山(尼泊尔), 不丹, 和西藏), the Andes (Bolivia and Argentina), 加州 (San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains and the SAFOD project), 和斯匹次卑尔根. She is now working with Audrey Huerta of Central Washington University on a project on the formation of the Transantarctic Mountains.


Teaching  I  Research I  Publications



I normally teach Physical Geology (Geo105), 现场方法介绍 (225), 和地貌学(342). I occasionally teach Structural Geology and Advanced Field (325), Sedimentology. 



I am interested in studying a variety of geological problems involving tectonics, 新构造, 结构, 和地貌学.  I use fission-track thermochronology in my studies.  I have had several students do research projects with me using fission track analyses to study tectonic problems.  My current research focus is on the evolution of the Transantarctic Mountains in Antarctica; this project is funded by NSF (my co-PI is Audrey Huerta of Central Washington University). 



布莱斯,一个.E.*Longinotti, n.n., 2013, Exhumation of the southern Sierra Nevada - eastern Tehachapi Mountains constrained by low-temperature thermochronology:  Implications for the initiation of the Garlock fault, 岩石圈, published online on 20 April 2013 as doi:10.1130/L252.1

Ferrill D.A.莫里斯,A.P.斯塔马塔科斯,J.A.,等待,D。.J.Donelick, R.A., 布莱斯,一个.E., 2012, Constraints on exhumation and extensional faulting in southwestern Nevada and eastern 加州, U.S.A., from zircon and apatite thermochronology, 岩石圈, 4, 1, pp. 63-76.

施密特K.L.帕特森,南卡罗来纳州.R., 布莱斯,一个.E.科普夫,C., 2009, Mountain building across a lithospheric boundary during arc construction: the Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges batholith in the Sierra San Pedro Martir of Baja 加州, 墨西哥, 构造物理学, v. 477, p. 292-310.

布莱斯,一个.E.和R . Burgmann., 2008, Low temperature thermal history of the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth: in Garver, J.I.蒙大拿州的蒙大拿州. J. (eds), Proceedings from the 11th International Conference on Thermochronometry, Anchorage, AK, Sept., 2008, p. 35-35. 

布莱斯,一个.E.伯班克,D.W.卡特,A.施密特,K.普科宁,J., 2007, Plio-Quaternary exhumation history of the central Nepalese Himalaya: 1. Apatite and zircon fission-track and apatite [U-Th]/He analyses: 构造, v. 26、TC3002, doi:10.1029/2006TC001990.

惠普尔D.埃勒斯,T., 布莱斯,一个.E.伯班克,D., 2007, Plio-Quaternary exhumation history of the central Nepalese Himalaya: 2. Thermo-kinematic model of thermochronometer exhumation: 构造, v. 26、TC3003, doi:10.1029/2006TC001991.

赛,E.B., 布莱斯,一个.E.邓恩,T., 2006, Long-term erosion patterns in the Cordillera Real, Bolivian Andes, Journal of Geology, v. 114, p. 665-681.

亨廷顿,K., 布莱斯,一个.E.霍奇斯,K.V., 2006, Climate change and Late Pliocene acceleration of erosion in the Himalaya: EPSL, v. 252, 107-118.

李,我.麦克利兰,W.王,Y., 布莱斯,一个.E.麦克威廉姆斯,M., 2006, Oligocene-Miocene middle crustal flow in southern Tibet: Geochronology of Mabja Dome, Geological Society of London Special Publication 268: Channel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones, p. 445-470.

Grujic D.,库德,我.布克哈根,B.博内特., 布莱斯,一个.邓肯,C., 2006, Climatic forcing of erosion, landscape, tectonics in the 不丹 Himalayas, Geology, v. 34, p. 801-804, doi: 10.1130/G22648.1.

Sisson V.B.阿维·拉勒曼特,H.G.奥斯托斯,M., 布莱斯,一个.E., Snee, L.W.科普兰,P.赖特,J.E.Donelick, R.A.和古斯, L.R., 2005, Overview of radiometric ages of northern Venezuela: Old ones, 新的, their impact on regional geology, 提交给:av Lallemant, H.G.西森,V.B., Carribean/South American Plate Interactions, Venezuela, GSA Special Paper 394, p. 91 - 117 . doi: 10.1130/2005.2394(03).

布莱斯,一个.E.阿莱西奥先生.和borgmann, R., 2004, Constraining the exhumation and burial history of the SAFOD pilot hole with fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry. Geophysical Research Letters, v.31, L15516, doi:10.1029/2003GLO19407.

伯班克维.W., 布莱斯,一个.E.普科宁,J.普拉特-西图拉,B.加贝特,E.奥斯卡,M.巴罗斯,A.Ohja, T., 2003, Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas: Nature, v. 426, pp. 652-655.

d 'Alessio,米., 布莱斯,一个.E.和borgmann, R., 2003, No frictional heat along the San Gabriel fault, 加州: Evidence from fission track thermochronology: Geology, v. 31 , pp. 541-544.

将军,.,圣诞,D., 布莱斯一.马里兰州的伯班克., 2003, Implications of distributed crustal deformation for exhumation in a portion of a transpressional plate boundary, 西横岭, 南加州, 第四纪国际, v. 101-102, pp. 169-177.

布莱斯,一个.E.House, M.A.斯波提拉,J., 2002, Low-temperature thermochronology of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains, 南加州: Constraining structural evolution, in 巴斯,., ed., Geological Society of America Special Paper 365, ch. 11, pp. 231-250 : Boulder, Geological Society of America.

Spotila J.A.House, M.A., 布莱斯,一个.E.Neimi, n.n.班克,G.C., 2002,  Controls on the erosion and geomorphic evolution of the San  Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, 南加州, in 巴斯,., ed., Geological Society of America Special Paper 365, ch. 10, pp. 205 -230: Boulder, Geological Society of America.

严峻,J.C.Jonckheere, R.Enkelmann, E.拉赫巴赫,L.黑客,B.R., 布莱斯,一个.E.瓦格纳,G.A.吴,Q.刘,S.,董先生,S., 2002, Cretaceous-Cenozoic history of the southern Tan-Lu fault zone: Apatite fission-track and structural constraints from the Dabie Shan (eastern China): 构造物理学, v. 359, p. 225-253.

布莱斯,一个.E.伯班克,D.W.法利,K.A,菲尔丁,E., 2000, Structural and topographic evolution of the Central Transverse Ranges, 加州, 来自磷灰石裂变径迹, (U-Th)/He and digital elevation model analyses, 盆地的Research, v. 12, p. 97-114.

李,我.黑客,B.R.W .丁拉基.S.王,Y.甘斯,P.B.卡尔弗特,A., 布莱斯,一个.E.麦克利兰,W., 2000, Evolution of the Kangmar Dome, 藏南:构造, 岩石学的, thermochronologic constraints, 构造, v. 19, p. 872-895.

井,米.L., Snee, L., 布莱斯,一个.E., 2000, Dating of extensional shearing, an example from the Raft River Mountains, 盆地与山脉, western United States: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 105, p. 16,303-16,327.

布莱斯,一个.E., 1998, Active tectonics and ultrahigh pressure rocks, in  黑客,B. 刘,J.(eds.), "When Continents Collide: Geodynamics and Geochemistry of Ultrahigh - Pressure Rocks", 查普曼和霍尔, p. 141-160.

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