以下要求适用于获得a的学生 2023-2024 catalog year. Students are required by college policy 要遵循在他们宣布他们的第一个专业时有效的目录中的主要(和次要)要求. 要查找您的目录年份,请访问您的成绩和学术记录 myOxy and access the catalog that matches your catalog year.



英语系的课程让学生在国际和跨学科的背景下对英语文学进行密切的批判性研究, encompassing works from British, American, and other Anglophone literary traditions. 在保持公平和卓越的西方的使命价值观, 英语课程的学生既要阅读长期研究的作家的作品,也要阅读那些以前被排除在传统文学史之外的作家的作品. 1)精通细读和集中讨论个别文学作品, 2)学会将这些作品置于它们的生成历史中, geographic and social contexts, 3)熟练地通过一系列的理论和方法来解释它们,这些理论和方法是文学研究这门不断发展的学科的特征. 非专业学生将培养他们进行细读的能力, critical thinking, and analytical writing. 该系的大多数课程都是研讨会或讲座与讨论的结合. 这种教学方向强调了该系对师生互动和知识协作生产的重视. Introductory survey courses (ENGL 287, ENGL 288, ENGL 289)使学生接触到英语国家文学史的广度和多样性. 高级课程培养文学分析方面的复杂技能, interpretive writing, and oral presentation. 二年级、三年级和四年级的方法论和研究型研讨会(ENGL 290, ENGL 390, and ENGL 490)指导学生进行原创独立分析的实践,将主要的文本解释与次要的批判性研究进行对话.

Major Requirements


Major (no concentration)

Historical Surveys

ENGL 287Literary Experiments from Chaucer to Milton

4 units

ENGL 288Modern British Literary Traditions

4 units

ENGL 289The American Experience in Literature

4 units


ENGL 290Introduction to Literary Methods

4 units

ENGL 390Junior Seminar in English

4 units

ENGL 490Senior Seminar: Comprehensive Project

4 units

Group 1 - Medieval and Renaissance Literature

Students must select one of the following courses:



ENGL 220Literatures of the Scientific Revolution

4 units

ENGL 222The Literature of Revenge

4 units

ENGL 225Shakespeare: Beyond Tragedy

4 units

ENGL 311The Literature of Error: Romance and Genre

4 units

ENGL 314Renaissance Poetry

4 units

ENGL 316Literatures of Primitive Accumulation

4 units

ENGL 322Renaissance Cultures of Punishment

4 units

Group 2 - 18th and 19th Century Literature

Students must select one of the following courses:

ENGL 241The "Deviant"

4 units

ENGL 248Money, Gender, and the Nineteenth Century Novel

4 units

ENGL 330复辟与十八世纪英国文学

4 units

ENGL 332Eighteenth Century Literature: 1730-1800

4 units

ENGL 341Race, Law, and Literature

4 units

ENGL 345On Tyranny in American Literature before 1900

4 units

ENGL 346/BLST 34619th Century African American Literature

4 units

ENGL 34719th Century Novel and Bollywood Cinema

4 units

Group 3 - 20th and 21st Century Literature

Students must select one of the following courses:

ENGL 267Afro-Surrealism

4 units

ENGL 270Asian American Literature

4 units

ENGL 273Contemporary American Poetry

4 units

ENGL 274Women Writers

4 units

ENGL 295Topics in English

4 units

ENGL 351Modernism and Contemporary British Fiction

4 units

ENGL 353解读全球1930年代:大萧条时期的文学、哲学和政治

4 units

ENGL 360/BLST 360Toni Morrison and U.S. Imaginative Production

4 units

ENGL 365Contemporary Literature

4 units

ENGL 370Literary Criticism

4 units

ENGL 377/BLST 377Afrofuturism

4 units

Group 4 - Emergent Literature


ENGL 241The "Deviant"

4 units

ENGL 267Afro-Surrealism

4 units

ENGL 270Asian American Literature

4 units

ENGL 273Contemporary American Poetry

4 units

ENGL 274Women Writers

4 units

ENGL 341Race, Law, and Literature

4 units

ENGL 346/BLST 34619th Century African American Literature

4 units

ENGL 34719th Century Novel and Bollywood Cinema

4 units

ENGL 353解读全球1930年代:大萧条时期的文学、哲学和政治

4 units

ENGL 360/BLST 360Toni Morrison and U.S. Imaginative Production

4 units

ENGL 365Contemporary Literature

4 units

ENGL 370Literary Criticism

4 units

ENGL 377/BLST 377Afrofuturism

4 units

注意:“新兴文学”课程通常属于第二组或第三组类别. However, 它们不能同时计算时间段要求(如第二组或第三组)和紧急文献要求.


ENGL One additional ENGL course

我们强烈建议考虑文学专业毕业的学生选修至少11门以上的英语课程,以拓宽和加深他们对文学史和文学解读的知识. 大多数研究生课程要求至少精通一门外语.

Major with a concentration in Creative Writing

英语专业的学生可以选择选修额外的课程,以完成创意写作的集中, 一个特殊的轨道,提供了文学史和创造性写作技巧的强大背景. 选择本专业的学生总共要修13门课程.

Historical Surveys

ENGL 287Literary Experiments from Chaucer to Milton

4 units

ENGL 288Modern British Literary Traditions

4 units

ENGL 289The American Experience in Literature

4 units


Students must complete the courses listed below:

ENGL 290Introduction to Literary Methods

4 units

ENGL 390Junior Seminar in English

4 units

ENGL 490Senior Seminar: Comprehensive Project

4 units

Three Upper Division Electives

Choose from categories noted above as Groups I, II, III和IV(其中只有一门可能是200级课程).

Creative Writing Electives

Students must complete four creative writing electives. 其中至少两份必须来自英语系. 其他提供写作课程的院系和项目包括法语, Media Arts and Culture, Theater, and Writing and Rhetoric. 对专注于创意写作感兴趣的学生必须与他们的导师和系主任协商制定一个仔细的计划.

ENGL 280Creative Writing: Introduction to Fiction Writing

4 units

ENGL 281Creative Writing: Poetry

4 units

ENGL 380Creative Writing: Advance Fiction Writing

4 units

ENGL 382Advanced Creative Writing

4 units

MAC 222Creating and Writing Television/Streaming Series

4 units

THEA 380Playwriting

4 units

WRD 285新闻学原理1:跨媒体报道新闻

4 units

WRD 286新闻学原理2:叙事非虚构:讲好真实故事

4 units

WRD 301Creative Nonfiction

4 units

Honors in the Major

那些在课程学习中表现优异,并成功地将他们的竞赛项目发展成荣誉论文的毕业生,可能会获得荣誉学位. To be eligible, students must have a 3.专业课程平均成绩65分,总成绩3分.5 grade point average. 在春季学期开始之前,合格的学生将被邀请申请进入荣誉课程. 经院系教师审核后,接受申请的学生将注册入学 ENGL 499 (独立学习),在春季学期有两个单元. 他们将在春季学期完成一篇论文,并在教师委员会前进行口头答辩. 欲了解更多详情,请咨询您的部门顾问.


Five courses or 20 units.

Historical Surveys


ENGL 287Literary Experiments from Chaucer to Milton

4 units

ENGL 288Modern British Literary Traditions

4 units

ENGL 289The American Experience in Literature

4 units

ENGL 290Introduction to Literary Methods

4 units



Second-Stage Writing

英语专业的学生顺利完成第二阶段的写作要求 ENGL 390 在大三的时候,并收到一个“满意”的标记,因为它的写作部分.

Comprehensive Requirement

All majors must take ENGL 490 (Senior Seminar) in the fall of the senior year, where they will design, develop, 完成一项涉及文学研究和分析的重要项目. 该项目将导致大量的原始解释和相关的二次研究论文, 并在春季学期举行的高级研讨会上进行正式的会议式口头报告. See the department website for more details.

Contact English
Swan Hall 233