
以下要求适用于获得a的学生 2023 - 2024年目录 year. 学生须符合 大学政策 to follow the major (and minor) requirements found in the catalog in effect at the time they declared their first major. 要查找您的目录年份,请访问您的成绩和学术记录 myOxy 然后访问 catalog 与你的目录年份相符.



“文学与文化比较研究” (CSLC) offers students the opportunity to study the literatures of many different national traditions from a variety of historical periods, 并以一种独特的跨学科方式来实现. Both its individual courses and major program of study exemplify the ideals of a liberal arts education, as well as 十大正规网赌平台’s particular mission to prepare its students to engage as fully and as fruitfully as possible in a complex, 相互依存的, 和多元化的世界.

The CSLC major is rooted in the students' understanding of the linguistic structures of at least one foreign language, as this offers an essential point of entry not only into the study of the literatures within that language, but helps provide an important perspective from which to appreciate the cultural and linguistic differences that comprise any literary tradition. 和任何正式的文学研究一样, 我们的学生, 专业和非专业都一样, can expect to become proficient in the appreciation and interpretation of a whole array of literary texts and genres, 以及许多新兴的方法和理论,可以对他们产生影响. 然而,没有一个文学存在于真空中, 而是由, 帮助塑造, 的机构, 知识分子的观点和它所在文化的生活经验, we encourage 我们的学生 to work with faculty mentors to develop a personalized program of study that would allow each student to engage with his or her chosen literature (or literatures) from a specific disciplinary point of view (for example: literature and music, 文学与哲学, 文学与性别, 文学与科学, 古今文学, 不同民族传统的文学).

Students majoring in “文学与文化比较研究” currently have the option of choosing an emphasis in German, Greek, Latin, Russian, 中国人或日本人. 十大正规网赌平台提供的其他语言也可以用于满足专业要求, 但需要得到中国语言学院和其他语言部门的批准. 虽然这绝对不是必须的, students are also invited to incorporate courses from the Studies Abroad program into the overall design of their major.



一个专业至少需要九门课,包括高级研讨课. 学生可以从以下的一个重点来完成专业:德语, 古希腊, Latin, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, 或者比较.





CSLC 200文学、文化、自我:存在于世界(上

4 units

CSLC 201感觉的形式和对形式的感觉:文学及其生活世界

4 units



德国专注: GERM 202 2门300级的GERM课程(或3门300级的GERM课程)

古希腊焦点: GRK 201 2门300级GRK课程(或3门300级GRK课程)

拉丁专注: LATN 201 2门300级LATN课程(或3门300级LATN课程)

俄罗斯的焦点: RUSN 202 2门300级RUSN课程(或3门300级RUSN课程)

中国重点: 三门300级的中国课程

日本关注: 三门300级日语课程

比较关注: Students must complete three courses selected from a primary area of study that must include both foreign language study, 达到以下规定的程度, 以及翻译课程. 学习的主要领域必须是CSLC内的学科. 因此,目前外语学习的选择有德语、希腊语、拉丁语、俄语.

  • German: GERM 202 (或一门300级的GERM课程)和CSLC 100-122中的任意两门课程
  • 古希腊: GRK 201(或一门300级的GRK课程),以及CSLC 180-194和CSLC中任意两门课程 CSLC 280-294
  • Latin: LATN 201(或一门300级的拉丁美洲课程)和来自 CSLC 140-159和CSLC 240-250
  • 俄语:RUSN 201(或一门300级RUSN课程)和任何两门来自 CSLC 130-139和CSLC 230-239


修读a课程的学生 德语,古希腊语,拉丁语,俄语,汉语,日语的焦点 必须完成两门100级或200级的CSLC课程.

学生追求 比较关注 必须完成下列第二语言和文学领域的两门CSLC课程. 这些课程必须来自不同的类别,而不是为主要研究领域选择的课程.

这些课程最好选在学生主修语言以外的课程. However, courses outside the department may be allowed by department chair approval and must be filed with the Registrar's Office by submitting a Transfer Credit & 课程替代表格.


修读a课程的学生 德语,古希腊语,拉丁语,俄语,汉语,日语的焦点 must complete two additional courses which reflect a thematic or comparative language-based concentration. 这两门跨学科课程的选择应与学生的指导老师协商. 所有学生必须通过提交转学分向注册办公室提交这些课程 & 课程替代表格.

学生追求 比较关注 必须修读以下两门大专课程. These courses must be in a different category than what was selected from the primary and secondary area of study.


Please consult the departmental website for current information about courses which satisfy requirements.


荣誉授予在本系工作中表现优异的学生. 在春季学期, CSLC faculty review each Seniors’ record of work in the department and make their determinations based on achievement in coursework, 复杂的综合项目, 以及对系里知识界的贡献.


古典研究为西方学生提供了学习语言的机会, literature, art, philosophy, history, 以及在多元文化背景下的希腊和罗马文化. 综上所述, the courses address the impact of ancient cultures on later civilizations and draw parallels with non-Western cultures.

Occidental offers a minor in classical studies consisting of five courses taken in at least three different departments, 其中至少有一门必须是希腊语或拉丁语的原创语言课程(GRK 101, GRK 102, GRK 201, LATN 101, LATN 102, or LATN 201). 下面列出了适合辅修的古典课程.

分享对古典研究感兴趣的教师和学生的资源, 委员会赞助跨学科讨论会. Students who are interested in creating an Independent Pattern of Study in a topic related to the ancient world should consult with the chair of the committee for advice in constructing a program tailored to their needs.

ARTH 170早期地中海世界艺术概论

4 units

ARTH 272希腊罗马艺术

4 units

CSLC 120变质体:从奥维德到卡夫卡的流体形态

4 units

CSLC 181暴力女性:城邦的戏剧

4 units

CSLC 202守灵者

4 units

CSLC 204在欲望与绝望之间:罗马文学概览

4 units

CSLC 205喜剧、哲学、浪漫:希腊文学

4 units

CSLC 222神话:希腊罗马诸神

4 units

CSLC 241古罗马的奇观与舞台

4 units

CSLC 280《黑格尔,尼采,海德格尔:悲剧哲学

4 units

CSLC 283风格与“实质”:哲学与艺术

4 units

CSLC 286尤利西斯:NoÂ-Place那就是家

4 units

CSLC 292《爱之歌-一段历史

4 units

HIST 121古代到1700年:欧洲和中东

4 units

HIST 220古代雅典和文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨

4 units

RELS 351“好”性:性伦理史

4 units


辅修课程包括五门课程:一门课程理论和方法论课程 CSLC 200 or CSLC 201),以及四门额外的CSLC课程(学生选修这两门课程) CSLC 200 and CSLC 201 只需要完成另外三门CSLC课程). 这门辅修课程让学生通过翻译了解世界文学和文化.


辅修德语包括五门201级或以上的课程. 这些课程中至少有三门必须在十大正规网赌平台学习. One of the five courses can be completed in the form of a German-related course taken in English in CLSC, 不同的部门, 或者在国外学习的时候.


CSLC 107马克思,尼采,弗洛伊德

4 units

CSLC 108艺术、自然、自我:德国浪漫主义

4 units

CSLC 109从卡夫卡到推特:文学的小形式

4 units

CSLC 112病至死:文学与哲学中的自我与绝望

4 units

CSLC 114歌德与生活的艺术

4 units

CSLC 115克莱斯特、卡夫卡和《疯狂的诗学》

4 units

CSLC 116海德格尔与存在的狂喜

4 units

CSLC 118什么是启蒙运动?

4 units

CSLC 120变质体:从奥维德到卡夫卡的流体形态

4 units

CSLC 122愤怒、狂欢与革命:1945年后的德国文学与哲学

4 units

CSLC 187普罗米修斯:绝对的痛苦

4 units

CSLC 280《黑格尔,尼采,海德格尔:悲剧哲学

4 units

ARTH 288巴黎和柏林:20世纪的首都和十字路口

4 units

ARTH 289美国和欧洲的现代艺术,1900-1950

4 units

DWA 101国际关系:不断变化的游戏规则

4 units

DWA 102国际组织

4 units

DWA 103全球政治经济概论

4 units

DWA 239欧洲政治

4 units

HIST 230欧洲思想史

4 units

HIST 233法西斯主义、纳粹主义和民主危机

4 units

HIST 345大屠杀:历史、证词和记忆

4 units

LING 301语言学概论

4 units

LING 350/PSYC 351心理语言学

4 units

LING 351Phonetics

4 units

MUSC 261西方音乐与文化:1580-1829

4 units

MUSC 263西方音乐与文化:1830年至今

4 units

MUSC 264整个艺术品

4 units

PHIL 210现代哲学

4 units

PHIL 212存在主义哲学

4 units

PHIL 311维特根斯坦

4 units

PHIL 312克尔凯郭尔

4 units

POLS 130国际关系概论

4 units

SOC 200经典社会学理论:马克思,韦伯,迪尔凯姆

4 units


辅修俄语包括五门课程(20个单元) RUSN 202 and above. 五门课程中的三门必须作为西方课程完成.


Students will satisfy the 阶段的写作 Requirement by taking a 300-level language and literature course with a writing component, in which students will be required to submit a substantial (12-15 page) writing assignment that incorporates a translation of, 还有关于, 目的语文学作品中的主要文本. Students will satisfy the Second Stage Writing Requirement by obtaining a grade of "C" or higher on this paper. 在正常情况下, 学生应尽量在大三结束时满足这一要求. 在特殊情况下, 学生可以在大四的秋季获得完成要求的许可. Students who fail to obtain a grade of "C" on the paper submitted for the satisfaction of the Second Stage Writing Requirement will need to submit a satisfactory re-write to the instructor of the course and the department chair.)


All students majoring in “文学与文化比较研究” will be required in their senior year to complete a comprehensive project consisting of a senior thesis of a minimum of 25 pages and to present a 15-minute presentation based on the thesis to CSLC faculty and students.

在他们高三的秋天, each CSLC major will enroll in a 4-unit senior seminar and will be expected to produce a full-length draft of the comprehensive essay by the end of term. The student will have the winter break and the first month of spring term in his or her senior year to revise the long essay, 然后写一个15分钟的演讲. Students graduating in the fall of senior year must complete a final draft of the paper and give a short presentation before fall comps grades are due.

综合文章必须包括广泛的分析外语文本或文本. 论文应该表现出对自己的方法论的认识, and a substantial knowledge of the critical traditions and contemporary understandings of the texts under consideration. CSLC students will additionally be expected to incorporate into their senior thesis the interdisciplinary perspectives gained in the two thematic-focus courses they have selected for their major. 在每个语言重点中,可能需要对比较进行附加要求, 特别是如果学生在他们的综合项目中使用了一门非CSLC专业的语言.

文学中的接触比较研究 & Culture
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