Dumpster painted with a blue background and green Recycle "chasing arrows" symbol on it.

When it comes to waste, mindful practices and a collaborative spirit define the scene at Oxy.

Since “零浪费” is the ultimate ideal, Oxy's waste strategy emphasizes reduction right from the source. 减少 浪费的需要由 重用 我们能做的就是关键. 当你需要扔掉东西的时候, Recycle and Compost 我们学校有很好的选择吗.


减少 the amount of waste entering the waste stream is the most effective sustainability strategy. 以下是校园内主要的减排策略. 校园餐饮 实现得更多 作为他们运作的一部分.


截至2023年秋季, 我们最大的餐饮设施提供外带餐, 市场上, 是装在被称为“生态蛤壳”的可重复使用的容器里吗.“这些容器可以用洗碗机和微波炉清洗. All students wishing to take food to go must enroll in the Reuse Pass 程序. This 程序 saves nearly 2,000 single-use to go boxes per week. 

带上你自己的 & 在这儿杯子

市场上, 老虎冷却器, and student-run Green Bean Cafe all allow customers to bring their own mug or cup for drinks! 每次使用可节省20美分. The Green Bean also offers a "for here" mug 程序 in an effort to reduce waste.


携带一个可重复使用的水瓶在奥施康定很方便. Water bottle filling stations are located in a majority of residence halls, 约翰逊学生中心, 学术公地, 约翰逊大厅, 拉什健身房, 以及其他几座学术和行政大楼. Each year another station is installed thanks to the efforts of the Renewable 能源 and 可持续发展基金 (RESF) and Facilities Management.



每一个可能, 随着学生离开校园, 他们有机会捐出他们不想要的东西, 条件良好的宿舍货物到 绿色迁出 程序. 然后由可持续发展办公室的志愿者收集, sort, weigh, 并将这些物品重新分发给校内和校外的收件人, 包括奥施康定生态俱乐部, which provides these items at a low cost to incoming and returning students each fall at a community sale. 


延长各种物品的使用寿命是 氧Ecossentials的使命. Students run an on-campus "pop-up"-style community sale of items donated during 绿色迁出 and throughout the year at collection events. 


The curiosity of Mel Devoney ‘17 about where leftover food on Oxy’s campus ended up led to a food donation initiative. 2018年,它成熟为 制度化的程序 adopted by Student Leadership, Involvement and 社区参与 (SLICE). With the collaboration of paid student coordinators and 校园餐厅 staff, EFRT共捐赠了3个,580 pounds of food to local community partners in the 2017-18 school year. To date, EFRT has redistributed over 10 tonnes of food to the local community. 


在不同的地区,Recycle的方法不同. 因为Oxy社区来自美国各地.S. 和世界,教育在校园和L.A. Recycle指引是最基本的.


校园里所有的蓝色垃圾桶都是单流的 可以接受 以下项目:

  • Paper: white or colored paper, magazines, newspaper, construction paper, card stock

  • Cartons: milk, juice, and soy milk cartons; anything labeled Tetrapak

  • 纸板:Oxy将纸板单独Recycle. Flatten the cardboard and leave it next to a blue bin for pick up.

  • 玻璃:瓶子和罐子(请盖上盖子)

  • Metals: aluminum, steel and tin (cans, foil, paperclips, small metal pieces)

  • 塑料#2,5和6(不含塑料袋)!)

要注意 don’ts Recycle:

  • 不要乱扔 food 扔进蓝色的箱子. Food contamination can result in entire loads of Recycle being sent to landfill. 如果你有一个塑料外卖容器, 先把食物倒进垃圾桶, 然后冲洗并Recycle容器.

  • 不要把 绿豆杯 扔进蓝色的箱子. 可Compost物品分解后为土壤提供养分, 所以这些物品不能被Recycle制成另一种产品.

  • 不要把 芯片包 扔进蓝色的箱子. 这些袋子, 还有糖果包装纸和什锦果仁棒, are made out of two materials melded together (usually aluminum and plastic), and cannot be separated and sent on their respective Recycle paths.​


The cash register of the 书店 is the place to recycle your batteries. 记住, 电池含有有毒元素,所以它们需要分开Recycle.


The cash register of the 书店 is also the place to recycle your empty printer cartridges.


被殴打和/或损坏的老鼠, 屏幕, printers and other small electronic equipment can be dropped off at the IT Help Desk on the main floor of 学术公地. Informational Technology 服务 (ITS) partners with Environmental Health and Safety to collect e-waste as they continuously upgrade the college’s technologies.

Also, campus-wide e-waste collections take place at the end of each semester. This is a great opportunity to get rid of any old or broken printers, 扫描仪, 键盘, 家庭录像带, connectors/cables and other miscellaneous e-waste that has been sitting around.

烹饪 & Food

校园餐厅 contracts with FiltaFry to reduce the amount of frying oil used via filtration. Once the oil becomes unusable, FiltaFry recycles the fryer waste oil into biodiesel. 在市场上, excess produce and cooked proteins are repurposed as ingredients in the daily Soup and Pasta of the Day selections.



感谢进步的绿色精神, 校园餐厅 adopted Compost into its operations in 2011 when our waste hauler first made it possible. 市场上 composts the peelings and trimmings from food prep. The food waste and compostable items placed on the food tray collector are also sorted by staff behind-the-scenes into compost bins. These impactful actions divert up to 1,000 pounds per day during the school year. 在2017年全国Recycle热比赛中, 氧的有机转移在134所大学中排名第12位.


Oxy实行工业Compost, meaning a wide range of organics and plant items can be composted on campus. 校园餐饮 transitioned to exclusively offering disposable utensils, straws and cups. 以下是一个小型Compost指南:

  • 食物:蔬菜、水果、肉类、乳制品、面包、烘焙食品

  • 脏纸:餐巾纸、披萨盒、纸盘

  • 杯子:绿豆杯是可Compost的.


Compost开始扩大 beyond 市场上 in 2016 through the efforts of the Green Bean, 公共健康俱乐部和可持续发展办公室. As green bins (the color code for compost) started appearing in other campus locales, students became inspired and energized to bring Compost to more areas.

Liz Richman ‘19 headed up the Cooler Compost project, and Stella Ramos ‘21 began BraunPost and empowered other students to replicate her success in other halls through a ResEd Compost Working Group. FEAST is ramping up its closed-loop Compost efforts by collecting 市场上’s pre-consumer food scraps and the 老虎冷却器's coffee grounds. 

Compost champions are making the practice available across campus. Even the 金融援助 Office has a compost bin initiated and maintained by its assistant director, 艾米丽Valk.​


Large compost bins to be available for big events hosted on lower campus.

Smaller events hosted by clubs will also be able to set up Compost. RESF 有助于为可Compost服务用品的较高价格提供资金. 小型活动Compost将不限于较低的校园. 


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