

Raised in Salt Lake City, 詹德Granath has a passion for athletics and public service. He has been an active leader on- and off-campus, from Admission Office fellow and DEB liaison to Peer Health Exchange leader and Dodgers Foundation intern.

詹德Granath has always been into playing sports, whether soccer, swimming or skiing. He was even captain of his high school swim team. But he wasn’t necessarily set on being a student-athlete at Occidental.

当我走到 (男子游泳队) as a first year I was thinking, ‘maybe one year,’ ” he admits. “我只是保持开放的心态.”

但他最终爱上了他的队友, the team culture and the novelty of swimming outside in the wintertime. His weight training coaches helped him get fit and he developed quickly, 成为长距离自由泳专家. 现在是高年级学生,也是队长, Zander holds two school records as a member of the 800 and 200 free relay.

“It’s really cool to be part of the athletics family, and I’m definitely a better student when I swim. When you’re waking up that early, you have a lot going on so you’re moving all day. I definitely don’t think I’d be as involved at Oxy if I wasn’t an athlete.”

A 社会学 major, Zander still remembers the class he sat in on during his high school visit to Occidental: “男子气概,由教授讲授 理查德·莫拉. The discipline was completely new to him and he was fascinated.

“它对我说话了,”赞德说. “You’re looking at social aspects of economics, 性别, 和政治, 所以在某种程度上,一切都是社会学的一部分.”

When he enrolled in a 社会学 class as a first-year, Professor Mora actually remembered him. It didn’t take long for Zander to declare a major with an emphasis on 性别 studies—with Professor Mora as his adviser.

Zander has evolved a research question he initiated in his sophomore “Sociological Inquiry” class into his 比较高级 项目. Investigating queer and hyper- masculinity in online spaces, he recently interviewed more than 20 queer men in 洛杉矶 to learn about the significance of these spaces for them.

他说:“我对自己的竞争对手感到非常自豪. “I’ve worked on this 项目 for three years and got funding from student government and the Undergraduate Research Center. It was amazing to learn qualitative and interviewing skills, go through the institutional review board process and apply for funding.”

Zander has worked for the Office of Admission for four years, moving from a tour guide to a 高级研究员 to a senior reader this year, one of two students reviewing applications for Oxy. 他还担任过 多元化及公平委员会 招生联络.

Off-campus, he has worked with the national nonprofit Peer Health Exchange. The organization provides health education to high school students at underfunded schools. 

“You get to build these great relationships between high school and college students,他说. “我真的很感激那段经历, and also how it got me off campus and into the local community.”

Another highlight was interning with the 洛杉矶 Dodgers Foundation, spending the 2019 season as an associate of strategy and impact. Zander worked on program evaluation, grant applications, annual reports and fundraising metrics. He also helped the foundation raise $3 million by co-managing the charity raffle that took place at every Dodgers game.

This fall, Zander applied for a highly competitive 卢斯奖学金和詹妮弗·洛克在 国家 & 国际奖学金 有关他的申请. 卢斯基金会将选出18名研究员, placing them at organizations in Asia to work and learn a language for a year. He was interested in working in Taiwan for a LGBTQ rights or policy organization.

Though he didn’t get selected, he was named a finalist, itself an honor. He loved the experience of getting flown up to San Francisco for interviews, staying in a hotel and meeting the other finalists, 他觉得谁既令人印象深刻又鼓舞人心. The scholarship is open to alumni, and he hopes to apply again.

A dual citizen (his mother is Swedish) with an appreciation for other cultures, Zander studied abroad in Australia as a junior. He was a direct-enroll student at the University of Melbourne and lived downtown with three other international students.

“我上了公共政策制定的课程, 社会学 of youth and 社会学 of technology at the best school in Australia,他说. “I loved my experience there, and I grew a lot.”

In addition to traveling to New Zealand and Southeast Asia after the program, Zander even did some Oxy networking in Australia, 和08年的马修·德斯蒙德见面, who works as a public policy researcher—an area Zander sees as a possible career path.

“I’m ultimately interested in working in social policy or foundations in the public or private sector,他说. “I’m also really interested in using qualitative processes and data science to improve and optimize social programs.”

With his varied experiences at Oxy, he has a strong foundation to help him pursue his goals.