
讲故事是LGBTQIA+体验中有意义的一部分,可以用来增强联系, collective care and action. Most importantly, “骄傲榜”旨在肯定学生们在Oxy度过的LGBTQIA+经历. The Intercultural Community Center seeks to honor every person’s journey, no matter where they are in their process.

Maureen Royer (she, her, hers)

Associate Vice President of Principal Gifts

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

I am very fortunate to serve as the Associate Vice President, Individual 给. What I 爱 most about it is that it allows me to connect with so many extraordinary people in our fantastic Oxy community; students, faculty, 工作人员, 校友, parents and friends.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

While I came out to my 家庭 and my community of friends when I was 22 years old, getting to the place where I am fully out and proud has been a process. 我的女同性恋身份让我可以从伦理和道德的角度来看待我的工作,以确保我帮助培养一种归属感的文化.

What brings you Pride?

It brings me great Pride just to be a part of the queer community, 并为那些质疑是否要站出来正规博彩十大网站排名推荐的人们树立榜样. 作为一名女同性恋者,这也给我带来了骄傲,并向世界展示了“酷儿”可以出现在彩虹的每一个阴影中.

How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?

mroyer@tbc007.net. I would 爱 to hear from you!


Broderick Fox (he, him, his)

Professor of Media 艺术 & 文化

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

I teach courses in both media theory and production practices. 我喜欢有机会和课堂上的学生一起思考我们这个时代紧迫的代表性问题,因为这些对话的机会直接启发和刺激了我自己的写作和创作.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

从差异的出发点出发,为酷儿提供了一个独特的位置,让他们可以质疑规范, both cultural and personal. Through adversity, we are forced to create our own definitions of relationship, 爱, 家庭, community and self, frequently driving larger social change in the process. 我作为一个酷儿的身份,以及其他LGBTQIA+和边缘化个体的故事,在我的媒体作品和批评写作中重新成为中心. These priorities reflect my commitment as a maker, 学者, 并教授质疑和重塑媒体的形式和功能,挑战传统观念的真相讲述和表现.

What brings you Pride?

我为我所有的学生在智力上、政治上和个人上的勇气而深感自豪. I’m also proud of Oxy as an institution that supports such growth. In that sense, 我经常认为文科是天生的酷儿:发展交叉和跨学科的框架来解开感知的规范和显示替代的可能性.

How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?



Haley Meryl Mitchell (she, her, hers)

Head Coach of Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving and Director of Aquatics

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

作为一名教练,我喜欢和一群兼容并蓄的年轻人一起工作,在泳池里竞争,在这个过程中享受很多乐趣. 作为水上运动主管,我喜欢为社区提供一个可以游泳和在泳池边闲逛的空间.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

接受我作为女同性恋的身份让我在生活的各个方面都更加自信, including coaching.

What brings you Pride?


How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?

Students are welcome to email me to connect at hmitchell@tbc007.net.


Raul Navarro (he, him, his)

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

I not only teach introductory and advanced organic chemistry courses, 但我也有一个研究项目,在那里我和本科生一起开发更有效的策略来建立产生生物活性天然产品的纽带. 作为一名教授,我最喜欢的部分是我可以成为榜样和学生导师,这是我从未有过的——看到我的学生(无论是在课堂上还是在我的实验室里)真正专注于他们对科学的兴奋之处,这是一种令人兴奋和充实的经历, and to start to take that interest into a definitive career path.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

Over the years that followed my first research experience as an undergraduate, 我开始发展并欣赏我作为lgbtq认同的人的身份,以及这在STEM世界中的意义. 尽管很明显,科学从不同的视角中获益良多, LGBTQIA+ representation in science remains a challenge. 

对我来说, being a scientist provides an opportunity to not only dive into data, analysis and making new discoveries, 但它也可以作为一个平台,突出和促进使之成为可能的人类. 对我来说,作为一名科学家,继续代表这个社区,帮助促进一个包容的研究氛围是很重要的, 这对推动科学发展的个人和科学进步本身都有好处.

What brings you Pride?

尽管LGBTQ群体在STEM领域还有很多进步要做, that I can unabashedly celebrate all of who I am—as Latino, 作为一名科学家,无论是以指导LGBTQ学生的形式,还是在实验室里听我最喜欢的布兰妮的歌单!

How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?



Shanda Ness (she, her, hers)

Director of Athletics

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

我喜欢我工作中的很多事情,但也许我最喜欢的是有机会在比赛中支持学生运动员. I know how much effort goes into game day so I try to get to as many contests as possible.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

我自己的接纳之旅让我意识到,我们重视每一个人是多么重要, and their unique experiences and circumstances. Oftentimes in sports the focus is solely on the team, but I recognize the importance of each individual that makes up the team.

What brings you Pride?



Kevin Urstadt (he, him, his)

Professor of Cognitive Science

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

I 爱 interacting with the students in discussions related to my field, especially topics that extend beyond the classroom. 有时,最好的学习经验可能来自于将讲座细节带回现实生活中的讨论.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

我的身份和我在Oxy的经历都让我更加意识到教学方法中的差异, especially when it comes to equity in assessment and giving fair chances. 此外,我在我的一些课程中加入了一些关于身份的神经科学观点. 最后, 我想成为对STEM学习和职业感兴趣的LGBTQIA+学生的好榜样.

What brings you Pride?

Similar to the last point, I want to serve as a role model for teaching and research in the STEM fields, as LGBTQIA+ representation is still lagging in those fields. 我想让学生知道,他们可以来找我讨论未来的教育和职业方向, 我的目的是告诉他们如何解决他们可能面临的一般障碍和/或由于他们的身份.

How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?

Email is always a good bet. Send messages to kurstadt@tbc007.net.


Brandon Lehr (he, him, his)

Associate Professor of Economics

Describe your role at the College. What do you 爱 most about it?

I am a professor in the economics department. I 爱 working with and learning from Oxy students.

How has your LGBTQIA+ identity informed your work?

My identity has informed my interest in questions of social policy and equity.

What brings you Pride?

I am proud to be part of the queer community.

How can students reach you, if they'd like to connect?


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