Occidental College seeks to maintain a safe environment for children under the age of 18 who participate in programs or activities that occur on campus or under the control or direction of the College regardless of location. 

Responsible Officials:

Director, Human Resources
Senior Risk and Insurance Manager

Effective June 1, 2017

Policy Statement

Occidental College (“Oxy" or “College") seeks to maintain a safe environment for children under the age of 18 who participate in programs or activities that occur on campus or under the control or direction of the College regardless of location (“Programs"). Oxy社区的成员和其他与之互动的人, supervise, 或监督此类节目中未满18岁的人员,均须遵守本《十大正规网赌平台》.

本政策适用于Oxy校园内的项目, 或在奥施康定的授权或指示下的其他地点, 18岁以下人士参加的活动(包括日间或夜间活动). Camps (for instance, athletics, debate, math, and science camps), clinics, laboratory workshops, 以及针对中小学生的类似活动也适用于本政策.


  • Oxy students . 18岁以下的奥施康定学生, 包括参加MSI的新生, OxyEngage, Orientation, intercollegiate athletics, and similar programming, are covered under the Student Handbook and related College policies.
  • Other college/university students . People under the age of 18 who participate in Oxy academic programs or activities by virtue of being enrolled in another college or university are covered by their own institutions’ and related College policies.
  • Approved Research . 研究和教学计划须经Oxy赞助的审查和批准 Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  • The Child Development Center . The Center is subject to childcare licensing and required to comply with all laws concerning the protection of minors under its care.
  • Campus visits. 招生部门对符合这一政策的准学生的过夜访问有具体的项目要求.
  • Designated exceptions . The Senior Risk and Insurance Manager may designate other programs or events as exempt from this Policy in advance and in writing.

In some instances, though the Policy applies to a Program, 本政策不适用项目工作人员的背景调查和培训要求. Those circumstances are:

  • Events on campus which are open to the general public and which persons under the age of 18 attend at the sole discretion of their parent(s)/guardian(s), such as Screen on the Green, fairs, 体育赛事和其他社区活动;
  • 非住宿(不过夜)个人活动,每年总时间不超过8小时.

However, events open to the general public and one-day events must still be registered with the appropriate Vice President in the department overseeing the event, have adequate adult supervision, 和大学联络员必须遵守Oxy对未成年人的适当行为准则. In addition, Authorized Adults for these events must include at least one identified adult staff person present at all times who has a current background check on file with Human Resources.

Entities Covered by this Policy




Director of Human Resources, jacalynf@tbc007.net or (323) 259-2613
Senior Risk and Insurance Manager, risk@tbc007.net or (323) 259-1364


  • Minor. 任何未满18岁的人参加了一个项目,不受本政策的豁免.
  • College Facilities . 学院拥有或管理的设施.
  • Campus Programs . 由奥施康定经营的针对未成年人的项目,不受本政策的限制
  • External Programs . 由使用Oxy设施的第三方运营的项目和活动.
  • College Liaison . 指定为校园或外部项目的主要联系人的大学雇员, or their designee.
  • Authorized Adults . Adults, paid or unpaid, who supervise Programs, 监督未成年人参与节目, or who regularly spend time alone with Minors in Programs (including adults who reside with Minors in residence halls for overnight Programs). 获得授权的成年人可以是Oxy社区、校园项目或外部项目的成员.
  • Oxy Community . Oxy employees, students, post-doctoral fellows, casual/temporary workers, independent contractors, and volunteers.

Presence of Minors on Campus

Oxy reserves the right to condition, restrict, 或拒绝18岁以下人士进入大学设施,由Oxy自行决定. All persons under the age of 18, 包括但不限于参与活动的未成年人, 在校期间,必须遵守所有奥施康定的规定,如不遵守,可能会被要求离开校园. 所有未成年人必须被告知并遵守学院的规定 Code of Student Conduct 行为标准一般适用于适合他们年龄的学生, 包括禁止歧视的规定, harassment, sexual assault, bullying, 使用和拥有酒精和毒品(包括大麻), and other forms of misconduct.

Campus Programs

受本政策约束的项目必须遵守以下条款和条件, 以及任何其他适用的联邦要求, state, or local law:

A. Registration:

学院联络员必须通过学院的在线注册课程 Registration Form. All Programs must be approved by the appropriate Vice President or designated approver in the department overseeing the event at least 30 days before the Program begins (unless the time frame is waived for good cause).

No one under age 18 may participate in a Program until his or her parent(s)/legal guardian(s) provides emergency contact information and signs an 承担风险、免除责任和赔偿协议, 以及紧急医疗护理和释放授权书. 还应签署媒体发布协议. Copies of the signed originals of each form must be provided to the Senior Risk and Insurance Manager immediately upon the Program’s conclusion[1]. 所要求的免责声明和医疗授权书出现在本保单的末尾,必须使用.

B. Communication:

All Programs in which Minors participate should have a procedure for notifying the participants’ parents/legal guardians in the event of an emergency. The College Liaison will maintain a copy of the participants’ emergency contact information on site until the Program concludes.

All parents/legal guardians of Minors should be provided with contact information (including the names of persons to contact) to reach participants while the Program is in session.

C. Medical Emergencies:

All Programs must obtain: (i) authorization for transportation and emergency medical treatment of Minors in the event that the parents/legal guardians and the designated emergency contacts are not available; and (ii) disclosure of any allergies or other medical condition or physical limitation that might impact a Minor’s participation in the Program.

如果任何参与者在项目期间需要服用药物, 必要的程序应依照适用法律建立. Any and all information concerning a participant’s medical condition or physical limitations shall be treated as confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis.

D. Supervision:

所有未成年人参与的项目必须根据参与者的数量和平均年龄进行适当的监督, the Program activity, 以及是否涉及过夜住宿. 在紧急情况下,建议至少有两名授权成人.

  • For daytime Programs, 未成年人与成人的比例一般应为8:1(14岁以下儿童)或10:1(15-17岁儿童).
  • For overnight Programs, 被授权的成年人必须居住在未成年人居住的每个宿舍, 未成年人和成人的比例一般为10:1. 该计划应规定适合年龄的宵禁, rules pertaining to any visitors, and limitations on the use of free time.


College Liaisons may not register a Program and Authorized Adults may not have direct contact with Minors participating in a Program, until and unless they have successfully completed (i) a criminal background check as required by law and (ii) a training program on the protection of children from abuse approved by the Oxy Human Resources Department. After the initial background check, 对参加项目的大学联络员或授权成年人的后续背景调查将每两年进行一次. In addition, the College Liaison or appropriate designee must develop and provide all Authorized Adults with an explanation of their responsibilities (job description), applicable standards of conduct, Program policies and procedures, 执行这些政策和程序的方式, 培训适当的危机/紧急反应, safety and security precautions, confidentiality issues involving Minors, 以及学院认为与特定课程相关的其他事项.

External Programs

运营外部项目的组织或个人必须符合适当的行为和监督的公认标准, conduct criminal background checks as required by law, 为员工提供相当于校园项目所需的培训, maintain appropriate staffing ratios, 并根据以下报告要求报告事故. 关于外部项目的问题可以直接到 conference@tbc007.net or 323-259-2795.

Behavioral Standards



注意轻微的虐待或忽视的迹象. 及时报告任何已知的或合理怀疑的虐待或忽视事件, 以及任何违反本政策或法律的行为.


  • 避免与未成年人单独相处, 尤其是在一个通常不被视为正常会议场所的地方. 乘坐学校的交通工具,在校园里散步, for example, 应该包括一个以上的成人或一个以上的儿童. 这并不意味着被授权的成年人被禁止短暂地把未成年人带到一边, 就未成年人的行为进行保密谈话或应未成年人要求讨论某些事项. 这确实意味着,这样的会面最好在另一个成年人在场的情况下或在其他人众目睽睽之下进行.
  • 除非活动的性质要求(例如, counseling or therapy sessions), 避免私下与未成年人单独会面, regardless of gender. 这适用于辅导或提供个人课程或学术指导.
  • 对身体接触要有良好的判断力. Avoid contact that may be misinterpreted. This does not mean that an Authorized Adult may not give a Minor a “high-five" or touch his/her shoulder to get his/her attention. However, 被授权的成年人不应该以亲密的方式接触未成年人, against his or her will, or engage in highly physical contact, such as picking him/her up, giving back rubs, tickling, roughhousing, or horseplay. Never administer corporal punishment.
  • Use good judgment about restroom trips. Do not go into the stall with a Minor. 最好一次带不止一个未成年人去洗手间, but if that is not possible, 与马厩保持适当的距离.
  • 对与未成年人的口头或电子交流有良好的判断力. Do not disclose confidential information, 不要透露或回答涉及亲密关系或性方面的问题.
  • 在讨论个人问题时要谨慎,考虑未成年人的年龄.
  • Use words with care. 永远不要斥责、恐吓、骚扰或贬低未成年人. 表扬是适当的,但在赞美未成年人时要谨慎. Do not get too personal. 要时刻意识到自己的责任和作为榜样的地位.
  • 不拍摄未成年人的照片,除了允许使用的摄影节目有关的目的.
  • Do not “friend" Minors or approach them on social networks; provided, however, nothing herein shall prohibit communications between athletic coaches and recruits that are otherwise appropriate under NCAA guidelines.
  • 不向未成年人提供酒精或合法/非法药物. Authorized Adults are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or illegal/impairing legal drugs while supervising Minors.
  • 避免从事任何通常被认为不专业的行为, unethical, or immoral, 直接或间接与未成年人或在未成年人在场的情况下.
  • 如果你不确定什么是合适的, 向主管或董事寻求建议, and always err on the side of caution.


  • 避免与未成年人单独在未成年人的房间,在你的房间,或在任何其他卧室.
  • 不要睡在未成年人的房间里,也不要让未成年人睡在你的房间里.
  • 学院联络员或授权成人不得将访客或客人带到宿舍的房间. Guests of participants (other than parents/legal guardians) are restricted to visitation in the residence hall lobby and/or floor lounges, 并且只能在项目指定的批准时间内进行, 在任何情况下都不得迟于午夜.
  • 在未成年人周围换衣服时要谨慎. Change in an area away from Minors.
  • 当未成年人洗澡、换衣服或使用洗手间时,要谨慎监督.

Allegations of Inappropriate Conduct


  • 立即向学院联络处报告任何违反本政策行为标准的行为, Campus Safety, 和/或紧急救援人员.
  • 立即报告任何已知的或合理怀疑的虐待或忽视事件, 如下文其他报告职责所述.
  • 确保未成年人的安全,无论是否有其他限制或要求. This includes a duty to remove Minors from dangerous or potentially dangerous situations and to immediately notify Campus Safety, as appropriate, of the dangerous condition.
  • 当他/她被指控有不当行为时,他/她将不再参加本计划, 直到这项指控得到圆满解决为止.

Other Reporting Responsibilities

All Oxy employees, students, 承包商和志愿者应该关心未成年人, 我们强烈鼓励他们举报任何已知的或有理由怀疑的虐待事件, 对儿童的骚扰或忽视, as follows.

大学社区所涵盖的成员 California's Mandated Reporter laws 必须报告任何已知的或合理怀疑的虐待事件吗, 对受保护项目中儿童的骚扰或忽视. 所有学院联络员和授权成人必须熟悉并遵守要求 CANRA 无论是否有未成年人不受本特定政策的约束. Two concurrent reports must be made:

External report

外部报告必须放置到 儿童及家庭服务部儿童保护热线 at (800) 540-4000, or to the LAPD (如果不在洛杉矶市,可以联系当地的执法机构).

Failure by a California Mandated Reporter of the College Community to make these reports as soon as possible will subject him/her to discipline up to and including termination and/or dismissal.

Internal report

作为校园资源,Oxy的校园安全部门应该立即得到通知. From all locations, call (323) 259-2599.

此外,所有学院联络员和授权成人必须熟悉学院的 Clery Act Reporting requirements and Sexual Misconduct policy, 这也包括与其他问题有关的义务(如性行为不端, dating and domestic violence, and stalking).

Oxy Internal Forms

Program Forms for Parents/Guardians

[1] At program conclusion, 高级风险及保险经理将在参与者年满18岁后保留记录长达2年, 或者符合诉讼时效.