Occidental College 威胁 评估 Policy


Based on 证据 和 best practice research into preventing campus tragedies, 十大正规网赌平台决定采取亲身实践的整体方法,确保工具和流程到位,以减少校园暴力. 西方行为干预小组(OBIT)和威胁管理小组(TMT)是由具有各种专业知识和培训的个人和部门组成的小组,专注于预防, response 和 education surrounding the safety 和 security of our campus community. 十大正规网赌平台社区的每个成员都有责任维护和改善校园安全. Campus safety is enhanced through students, 工作人员, 管理员, 教职员工识别出值得关注的行为并及时报告这些问题. 及早发现这些问题,学院就可以干预和解决对学习有潜在威胁或破坏性的行为, living 和 working environment of the College.

For purposes of this policy, 威胁被定义为向一个理性的人表明意图对他人造成身体伤害或害怕对他人造成身体伤害的行为或陈述. 所有的学生, 工作人员, 教师, 和 管理员 are responsible for reporting threats they have witnessed, 收到了, or have been told that another person has witnessed or 收到了. Absent an actual threat, any observed behavior regarded as threatening or violent, 当该行为与学校有关或可能在校园或其他由十大正规网赌平台拥有或控制的地点进行时, or is connected to College employment, should be reported.

II. 适用性

This policy applies to the conduct of all students, 员工 (教师, 工作人员, 和 管理员), 以及其行动或行为可能对西方石油拥有或控制的任何地点的任何人构成威胁的任何其他人.

3. 定义

威胁 -向一个理智的人表明有意对他人造成身体伤害或害怕对他人造成身体伤害的行为或陈述. 

IV. 政策

A. 威胁 Reporting

Occasionally, an individual’s behavior or demeanor may cause fear or concern. In such cases of apprehension, it is important to tell someone in authority so it can be documented, 评估, 和 h和led appropriately. If a member of the campus community is concerned about a threat of violence, they should document the reason for their concern 和 discuss it with their supervisor, 管理员, department chairperson, 校园安全, the Dean of 学生 Office, or the Human 资源 Office as appropriate.

Unless a privileged relationship exists, 无论表现出威胁行为的个人与受到威胁的人或威胁行为的焦点之间的关系如何,都应该进行该报告. All good faith reports made under this policy will be assessed 和, 如果有必要的话, 调查以确定该行为是否对报告的个人构成风险, other individuals, or the campus community. 学院社区的所有成员都应根据本政策与任何询问或调查充分合作.

1. Immediate 和 Imminent 威胁s

1. Report immediate dangers to health 和 safety to 9-1-1
2. Report threats to 校园安全 at (323) 259-2599


  • 员工 should report potential threats to Human 资源 to their supervisor
  • 学生 should report potential threats to the Care Team via MyOxy.通过提交一份Oxy护理报告或致电(323)259-2661学生办公室院长.

十大正规网赌平台行为干预小组(OBIT)是进行调查和评估由学生报告或可能影响学生的威胁的领导单位. Membership includes the Chief Human 资源 Officer, Director of 校园安全, Director of Counseling, 和 Associate Dean of 学生. In some instances, they may promptly refer the matter to an outside entity as appropriate.

十大正规网赌平台威胁管理小组(TMT)是进行调查和评估威胁报告或潜在影响员工的领导单位. Membership includes the Chief Human 资源 Officer, Director of 校园安全, 和 the General Counsel or their designee.

In situations involving both students 和 员工, OBIT will lead the assessment, 和 the Chief Human 资源 Officer will participate. 将潜在威胁提交给人力资源(员工)或学生办公室主任(学生),由TMT或OBIT进行评估, 分别, 在对个人采取任何行动之前,推荐的学院部门或办公室应与TMT或OBIT联系并继续咨询.g., disciplinary action). This is to avoid possibly triggering or escalating the individual’s behavior.

The OBIT 和 the TMT will convene to evaluate threats as quickly as possible, 和 typically within twenty-four (24) hours, depending on the nature 和 imminence of the potential threat. 负责学生事务的副院长(负责OBIT)和首席人力资源官(负责TMT)将对是否存在潜在威胁以及是否需要组建各自的团队做出初步决定, with a strong bias toward conducting a formal assessment consistent with this policy. 除了, OBIT或TMT的任何成员都可以确定有必要进行评估,并召集一个威胁评估小组.

2. Off-Campus Incidents

学院应该意识到校园外对校园社区成员的威胁,即使是与学院无关的人. In order that appropriate measures can be taken, 社区成员必须向校园安全主任报告可能影响大学社区安全的威胁或法院命令的行动 either Human 资源 (员工) or the Dean of 学生 Office (students).

3. Protective or Restraining Orders

申请或获得保护或限制令的学生必须向校园安全主任提供一份用于寻求该命令的请愿书和声明的副本, a copy of any temporary protective or restraining order which is granted, 和 a copy of any protective or restraining order which is made permanent.

4. Confidentiality

Occidental College underst和s the sensitivity of reporting potential or actual threats. 因为这个原因, reports may be issued anonymously in order to protect the safety of the reporting party. 然而, 如果报告方提供可靠的信息,我们将能够更彻底地调查问题, relevant 和 objective 证据 supporting the claims that the reporting party is making.

If the identity of the reporting party becomes known to the College, 学院不会透露这些信息,除非需要调查此事, reach an informed conclusion, 和 as required by law. 学院不会对任何善意举报潜在或实际威胁的人进行报复或采取任何负面行动.

B. 威胁 评估s

OBIT 和 TMT may work with appropriate campus departments, 执法, 和 mental health agencies to expedite assessment 和 intervention. The team(s) will also develop comprehensive fact-based assessments of students, 员工, or other individuals who may present a threat to the College.

The team(s) may enlist:
(a). The expertise 和 assistance of resources outside the College as needed.
(b). Anyone with knowledge of the reported situation.

在OBIT或TMT初步确定应根据本政策评估潜在威胁之后, the assessment must be documented 和 must include, 至少, the following elements: (1) details about the report 收到了 by the College; (2) a description of the incident or behavior giving rise to the report; (3) a summary of other facts, 证据, 和 circumstances that may be relevant to assessing the potential threat, including information about any previous, related incidents or threats; (4) an assessment of the subject’s plans 和/or means of carrying out the threat, if any; (5) a de终止 regarding the severity of the threat; 和 (6) a de终止 regarding the appropriate response or intervention, 如果有必要的话.


C. 制裁

根据本政策确定的威胁可能导致采取行动(视情况而定),其中可能包括调解, 咨询, exclusion from campus, 悬架, 驱逐, 终止, or other administrative sanctions. 那些被确定违反了学院禁止从事威胁行为的政策的人可能会在安全许可的情况下尽快被驱逐出校园.

V. 政策的历史

Responsible Officers: Associate Dean of 学生; Chief Human 资源 Officer

有效日期: 2022年9月

Last Revision Date: September 18, 2023


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Workplace Violence Policy (Employee H和book)