Students are responsible for knowing the following:


For well over a century, 十大正规网赌平台遵循学院和大学通过学习服务于共同利益的原则, teaching, research, and scholarship; and that the fulfillment of this function necessarily rests upon the preservation of the intellectual freedoms of teaching, expression, research, and debate.  西方社会的所有成员都有责任为理性探究的利益示范和支持这些自由.

表达不同意见的权利是学术自由和学术追求的必要条件. Protest against a particular position, 只要抗议活动不限制持不同意见的人的思想自由或行动自由,就允许采取行动或情况. 十大正规网赌平台是一个以知识进步的价值和尊严的深刻信念为指导的机构. 它鼓励自由追求学习,并尽一切合理努力培养诚实的学术行为. 它尊重并捍卫其成员的自由探究,同时期望在批评和思想交流中做到这一点, all will show due respect for the opinions of others.  

Occidental College imposes on students, faculty members, administrators, and trustees an obligation to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and instruction, and free expression both on and off campus. When speaking or acting as a private person, 十大正规网赌平台社区的成员不得造成她/他代表学院说话或行动的印象. 学生表达不同意见和试图改变的方式不得以伤害个人的方式进行, or damage institutional facilities, or disrupt the operations of the College.  Speakers on campus must not only be protected from violence, but also be given an opportunity to be heard. 寻求引起对不满的关注的学生不得以妨碍机构职能的方式这样做.

However deeply or genuinely felt an act of protest may be, 十大正规网赌平台的学生试图用肢体对抗这种抗议是不合理的,是不能被容忍的. According to Federal law, the College may limit the time, place, and manner of any form of dissent and/or protest.


As noted, 十大正规网赌平台尊重言论自由和和平集会的权利,并支持其作为学术自由和学术追求的组成部分的行使. However, 当言论和集会的行使具有破坏性或非和平时, and infringes upon the rights of others, threatens property or public safety, or the conduct of business of Occidental College, the College will act according to this policy. 西方国家制定了提出并和平解决政策分歧的程序. Officials at Occidental are willing to examine, discuss, 并向十大正规网赌平台社区的任何成员解释制度政策. Nevertheless, 禁止参加具有重大破坏性和非和平性质的示威活动,或涉及严重混乱或侵犯十大正规网赌平台财产他人权利的示威活动. 确定示威或行动是非和平的或破坏性的可能是困难的, 但是十大正规网赌平台遵循下面列出的一般准则.

  1. 非和平行动或示威是危害或伤害的行动或示威, or threaten to endanger or injure, any person, or that damage or threaten to damage property.
  2. 破坏性行动或示威是限制自由行动的行为, or interfere with, or impede access to, regular activities or facilities of the College.

A. General Guidelines

When the President of the College, or his/her designee, 通知在指定地区的学生,他们的集体行为被判定为非和平或破坏性的,他们应该散开, students remaining may be charged, with a violation of this policy.

Any student acting in a non-peaceful or disruptive manner, whether he or she is acting individually or within a group, 是否会因个人或团体的行为违反本政策而受到指控. 对本政策的无知或缺乏违反本政策的意图不能作为违反本政策的可接受的理由.


The President of the College or his/her designee, 是否有权对任何违反此政策的学生采取行动. Actions may include arrest, or other legal action, 或通知纪律处分,并通过学院的纪律处分程序处理. The President may delegate his/her authority to act.

B. Enforcement Policy

在十大正规网赌平台财产上发生非和平或破坏性行为, 书院将按下列程序办理:

  1. The President of the College, or his/her designee, 将决定是否与参与示威或破坏的人进行谈判. The President, 或者他/她的指定人员也将决定采取的行动,包括, but not limited to, interim suspension or arrest. The President of the College or his/her designee, 是否可以对违反此政策的学生进行临时休学.
  2. 扰乱或非和平行动的情况通常将被视为违反学生行为准则,并将根据学院的正常行为程序进行裁决.  The President of the College, or his/her designee, 是否可以通知扰乱或不和平的学生,他们违反了这一政策,并对他们提出指控. 本段的规定不限制校长或其指定人员对违反上述政策的学生进行临时休学的权力.
  3. 所有从事破坏或非和平行动的个人都将被告知他们是非法侵入. 经通知后继续侵入者,可由治安官或私人逮捕. California Penal Code Section 834).
  4. 十大正规网赌平台可以向学生收取费用或提起民事诉讼,以追回损失和费用.
  5. 官员可暂时撤销任何或所有特权,或采取措施结束破坏性或非和平抗议, 学院将对投诉进行裁决,并对涉嫌违规行为做出最终决定, apart from those decisions made by a court of law.