
As 十大正规网赌平台 strives to provide a gifted and diverse group of students with a total educational experience of the highest quality, we recognize that the student body includes adherents of many faiths and students who passionately believe their ideology. 随着我们的学生群体变得更加多样化, 越来越重要的是,我们, 作为一个包容的社区, 为各种宗教信仰的学生提供学术便利, 精神文化背景和个人信仰.

Consistent with our commitment to creating an academic community that is respectful of and welcoming to persons of differing backgrounds, we believe that students should be excused from class for reasons of faith and conscience without academic consequence. While it is not feasible to schedule coursework around all days of conviction for a class as a whole, 我们将尊重个别学生重新安排课程的要求, 缺席与指定日期相冲突的课程, 告诉学生这是一种选择. 类似的, this policy should be honored with regard to co-curricular college events such as athletic contests, 音乐会, 或者在指定的日子里参加课外讲座.


  • 教师 should provide course syllabi at the beginning of each term that specify dates of exams and due dates of assignments. Every effort should be made to avoid scheduling exams on religious and cultural holidays.
  • 教师 will make sure that work missed by a student because of an excused absence associated with reasons of faith and conscience can be made up by the student, and 教师 will articulate clear guidelines as to how a student can make up the missed work.
  • Students are permitted two days of excused absences per academic year for reasons of faith and conscience, 作为每位教员出勤政策的一部分. 这两天包括, 但不限于, 宗教活动:在宗教派别的支持下进行的有组织的活动, 宗教组织, 文化遗产, 基于身份的集会或政治派别.
  • 因为宗教节日和大多数良心日都是提前安排好的, 教员有坚持的权利, 在可行的地方, that students complete the course work prior to the anticipated absence in accordance with the course attendance policy.
  • 有时假期和良心日会在学期中提早到来. 当这种情况发生时, students will make every effort to coordinate with their instructor and to contact ORSL or the Chief Diversity Officer as soon as reasonably possible to request an excused absence. 在一些罕见的情况下, 一名教员, 由他或她自行决定, 休假后是否需要安排住宿.
  • Given the time limits inherent in completing end of semester assignments or making up a missed final exam, 此程序不能在期末考试期间使用. Students are expected to take final examination at the scheduled times and to complete end-of-semester work by the deadlines set by the instructor.


1)学生必须通过苏珊·杨协调他们的缺席计划, the Director for the 宗教事务办事处 and 精神生活 (ORSL) or the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) as soon as possible. All requests for an authorized absence under this policy must be given to the CDO or ORSL in writing and must contain a concise explanation of how the requested absence is related to a reason of faith or conscience or be an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination or 宗教组织. Requests made for an authorized absence after the event will not be allowed without compelling circumstances confirmed by the CDO or ORSL in consultation with the course instructors.

2)      The CDO or ORSL will provide the student with a document verifying the date of the approved absence. The student is solely responsible for ensuring that the documentation authorizing the absence is provided to each of their instructors, 谁的课程或作业将受到缺席的影响, 不迟于收到批准缺勤后7天.

(3)在学生通知教师批准缺课后, 教练将决定如何调整, 如果有任何, 需要在学生预定的课堂作业或作业中进行吗. The instructor shall inform the student of these adjustments within two instructional days of receiving the student’s notification.

4)      If the student’s desired absence is on a day when a test is scheduled or an assignment is due, the instructor may require that the student take the test or submit the assignment before or after the regularly assigned date. 在这种情况下,教师将安排一个适当的地点进行测试.

5)不顾老师的课堂期望或评分政策, 根据这项政策,缺课本身不会直接影响学生的成绩. Absences excused by this policy are part of any absentee policy individual 教师 may use in their courses. 然而, students are expected to make up or complete any coursework or assignments that have been adjusted by their instructor because of this absence.

6)如果学生没有通知他们的任何导师授权缺席, the instructor is not obligated to make any accommodations for the student’s absence or treat the absence as authorized under this policy. 

在过去, some issues such as those raised in this statement have been successfully handled by informal discussions among students, 教师, 和管理员, 在必要的时候. Occidental recognizes that all political and social protests may not fall under the purview of this policy. We hope and expect that such accommodations will continue to be made in the future in cases where this policy may not apply.


"Consistent with 十大正规网赌平台’s commitment to creating an academic community that is respectful of and welcoming to persons of differing backgrounds, we believe that students should be excused from class for reasons of faith and conscience without academic consequence. While it is not feasible to schedule coursework around all days of conviction for a class as a whole, 教师将尊重个别学生重新安排课程的要求, 缺席与指定日期相冲突的课程. 有关此过程的信息可在 ORSL网站."


根据这个政策, students must take the initiative to request an excused absence for a religious holiday or day of conscience. 学生可以根据他们的宗教要求不同的假期, 精神上的, 哲学, 或者伦理世界观. Major holidays and secular days of conscience can be found on the Spiritual Holidays 日历 on the ORSL网站.

The Spiritual Holidays 日历 includes what are generally considered to be the most important holidays for most religious and 精神上的 traditions and major days of conscience. 请注意,犹太人, 伊斯兰教和巴哈伊教的圣日在实际圣日之前的日落时分开始. 除了, 伊斯兰教的圣日并不固定在日历上, 而是基于对月球的实际观测, 这可能会导致日期上的差异.

The full text of the new holiday and days of conscience policy as adopted by the 教师 at the March 2017 教师 meeting can be found 在此PDF中

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