

对于《十大正规网赌平台》来说,这是令人兴奋的一周 & World Report's 2024 Best College rankings saw Occidental rise two places, landing at No. 全国35人,14年来最高. 该学院的排名也大幅上升了44位,排在第1位. 在该出版物的社会流动性指数中,排名第26位, which looks to measure how well schools graduate economically disadvantaged students. 点击这里阅读更多.



西方石油公司很高兴地宣布推出“Oxy Live”!”, a conversation series highlighting a diverse lineup of cultural luminaries at the forefront of their fields.

亚当Kinzinger, a former congressman and member of the Select Committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, 攻击美国.S. 国会大厦, made his case for the protection of democracy and stressed the importance of the 2024 presidential election in a spirited address as 十大正规网赌平台’s 2023 Jack Kemp ’57 Distinguished Lecturer.

25岁的詹姆斯·斯坦伯格将获得最高50美元的奖金,作为为期两年的奖学金的一部分,我将提供000美元的经济援助, created to support young leaders in bridging divides and taking on global challenges.

教授. 简·洪获得国家人文基金会资助
The associate professor of history will use the funds to help bridge the gap between academic research and K-12 education by leading a two-week summer institute on AAPI histories for middle and high school teachers.

The yearlong residency program allows an artist to investigate aspects of their practice and share it with the College and community. The program encourages cross-campus collaboration and thoughtful sustained interaction between the artist, 学生与社会.




  • 9月28日:Oxy 403(b)退休计划管理人的代表, TIAA, 会在上午10点进行小组信息会议吗.m., 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. 下午3:30.m. 在约翰逊学生中心的孟加拉室. 
  • 10月5日:人力资源部将于上午10点开始举办员工健康博览会.m. 到12点.m. 在学术院落. 这是您了解更多关于奥施康定健康和退休福利的机会. The Kaiser mobile will be offering free biometric screenings to all employees enrolled in an Oxy medical plan. Attendees will be entered in an opportunity drawing for vendor-sponsored giveaways.
  • 10月23日是Oxy年度公开注册的开始日期. 后面会有更多细节.
  • October 31: HR will be hosting the annual Boo Bash outdoors on the North Patio surrounding AGC from 10 a.m. 到11:30 a.m. 精彩节目包括:CDC儿童音乐表演. 马里奥,《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》, 员工服装比赛, 部门南瓜雕刻比赛, 还有万圣节的点心.

Here is the latest list of arrivals and departures from August 19 to September 16:

Maryo Botros,图书馆资料,用户服务专家                
Jordan Brown, Admission, Associate Dean of Admission/Coordinator of Athletic Recruitment Admission                
April Chagoya,住宅生活,住宅主任            
Estela Oajaca Estrada,校园餐饮,厨师B                
Katharine Kealey,市场与传播,招生营销总监        

Jazmyne Cortinas,垒球助理教练    
玛莎·马特洛克,宿舍生活部,学生行为部副主任 & 恢复    
Marjorieclaire Pollock,生物学,NSF代表参与者    


艾丽·戈登, director of advancement communications: I'd love to shout out Albert Tovar in Master 日历, Julie Tanaka in Special Collections and Brian Chambers in Academic Commons for being so supportive and accommodating for a video project. 

Caryn Rothschild报道, senior director of major gifts: Allison Keeler has been an absolute rock star in her newish role as associate director of prospect management and research in IA. She has been the point person for the work plan process for gift officers and has been so thoughtful, 彻底的, 病人, 和注重细节的. 我非常感激她,想对她说声谢谢!

克里斯·塞维利亚-帕帕斯报道, 资源获取专家:向我的同事喊话, Robert Fung(目录数据专家)和Theresa Clock(序列数据) & 材料专家), for their tireless hard work in keeping the behind-the-scenes services impeccable for the patrons of the library, 年复一年. 也, 非常欢迎Tia Phillip(资源共享专家), 我们技术服务团队的最新成员.

来自Jennifer Locke, director of national and international fellowships: A huge thanks to Oxy 图书馆 staff members Sarah Parramore, 阿兰娜全, 短剑Sevilla-Pappas, Julie Tanaka and Nick Velkavrh for volunteering to help with our 31 Fulbright interviews this application cycle! Your support has helped Oxy students grow in their communication and goal-setting skills as they plan for life after Oxy.

Kimberly Diaz报道, 拜访老师, 宗教系:我想特别向林沃致敬, who goes above and beyond as department service coordinator specifically for religious studies, 但她也在经济和数学系工作. 灵, thank you so much for always making sure faculty has what they need in order for their courses to run smoothly. I appreciate you always asking me if I need a specific item restocked before I actually run out of it! 谢谢你所做的一切,林!

丽兹·丹尼, director of Project SAFE and survivor advocate: I'd love to shout out my team at Project SAFE! 华金和斯蒂芬妮在过去的一个月里做得非常出色, 为我们的私人助理协调培训, 一年级新生迎新, 为我们的学生提供优质的预防和宣传服务. 如果你看到他们(你很可能会看到), at a training or on the Quad) give them a big "thanks" for all they do for our community!



戏剧和表演研究的常驻教授 杰米天使 最近在Netflix的热门剧集中担任故事编辑 不抱幻想. 该剧由马特·格勒宁(Matt Groening)创作,9月1日播出了最后10集. Angell also wrote the script for episode 4, “I Hear Your Noggin, But You Can't Come In.”

客座助理教授 克里斯Blakley 出版了一本书 《残暴帝国:英属大西洋世界中被奴役的人和动物. In 残暴帝国, Blakley explores how material relationships between enslaved people and animals bolstered the intellectual dehumanization of the enslaved.

在一个新的 ,西班牙语助理教授 & 语言学 剧中Bolyanatz finds that creaky voice (aka vocal fry) is used by speakers of Chilean Spanish to organize discourse and invoke the listener's alignment with their messages or stances. 在另一篇文章中 西班牙语和葡语语言学研究, Bolyanatz发现,velar腭化(即, pronunciation of Spanish words such as "mujer" as "mujier") in Chile is present for all 61 speakers in her sample, and appears to be a strengthening phenomenon (salient to listeners) among speakers of this Spanish dialect.

历史与亚洲研究副教授 亚历山大·F. “萨莎”天 是新华纳兄弟的历史顾问. 5月在Max电视台播出的动画片《魔怪的秘密》. 这个系列是原电影的前传, 跟随年轻的山姆·温和小发明穿越20世纪20年代的中国. 戴也是 当代中国的乡村社会与乡村治理, which collects 12 key essays translated from Chinese on the rapid transformation of rural society and governance through the marketization of rural labor, 过去20年的农产品和土地.

摇滚吉他讲师 史蒂夫·格雷戈里 recently played on an album featuring jazz vocalist Tierney Sutton and the San Gabriel Seven to be released soon. He will be releasing his own album of guitar instrumentals with band in the coming months.

在一篇新文章中 种族、民族与政治杂志政治学助理教授 艾萨克·黑尔 and his co-author find that political participation and racial attitudes are linked among white Americans. 党派不对称, with racial animus motivating participation among white Republicans and depressing it among white Democrats. 黑尔也接受了采访 谱的新闻 关于一些话题, 包括前总统唐纳德·特朗普的起诉书, 并接受了 LiveNOW 在共和党第一次总统辩论之后.  

在一篇新的文章中 当前音乐学音乐助理教授 斯蒂芬·哈德逊 描述了hip-hop/R有多少首歌&B级巨星德雷克将循环一个和弦进行, 然后添加一个新的低音线,其中的音符不在原和弦中, creating plural and multi-layered hearings which go beyond traditional harmonic theory, 并反映了德雷克歌词中的矛盾情绪.

社会学助理教授 本杰明·韦斯卷宗 定性的社会学, 根据强奸危机中心的人种学数据, reveals that inexperienced victim advocates struggle with contradictory directives that expert advocates navigate tacitly. 对于组织学者, Weiss theorizes inexperience as a lens through which contradictions become visible.

有关教师奖学金和成就的更多信息,请访问 研究中心 & 奖学金.