

Thank you to everyone who attended last week’s Staff Recognition Luncheon and Family Field Day, hosted by the Human 资源 Department. It 是 a wonderful time to connect with colleagues and celebrate this year’s Distinguished Service Award winners:

莎拉一. 吉尔曼奖: Beatrice Gonzales (Theater) and Michael Reyes (Facilities)

卡罗琳·迪安妮·亚当斯奖: 阿宾娜·费雷拉(设施/规划, Design and Construction) and Ronald Siliezar (Office of Budget and Planning) 

L. 罗伯特·托雷斯奖: Anaid Garcia Figueroa (Office of the VP of Finance and Planning)



毕业季到了! 整个上周, CBS LA reporter Desmond Shaw offered a sky high view of some colleges and universities in the greater 洛杉矶 area. 5月22日,他把矛头指向了西方石油公司.

每年, the Dean of Students recognizes seniors who, through their involvement on and off campus, 体现Oxy的四大公平支柱, 卓越, 社区及服务.

Tiger Club 体育运动 Awards Announced for 2023
自1987年以来, the Tiger Club has presented annual awards to Occidental’s most outstanding scholar-athletes. Criteria for nominations include a minimum GPA of 3.0 and high achievement in intercollegiate athletics at the varsity level.



新! 了解更多关于 叉骨宠物健康保险 as an additional option under the pet benefit plans beginning June 1.

Here is the latest list of arrivals and departures from April 25-May 24.

Robert Barlow, SLICE, assistant director of student involvement and concert production    
Jenna Chernova, Physics, laboratory supervisor & 电子技术人员    
Christopher Gonzalez, Institutional Advancement, prospect research analyst    
Vanessa Marquez, Institutional Advancement, development coordinator for individual giving    
Noelle Pangilinan, Music, department services coordinator    
Alexis Sanderson, Institutional Research & Planning, director of accreditation and institutional assessment    
Jonathan Steiner, Hospitality 服务, director of catering and conference services

Joseph McKee, 校园餐厅, production/service assistant lead
Charles Oravec, Physics, laboratory supervisor & 电子技术人员
Jose Cisneros Perez,股权公司 & 正义, JEID教育专家



西莉亚·鲁伊斯, 行动助理总监, facilities management: I must express my utmost appreciation for the 设施团队 . This year has been incredibly hectic due to the storms in our area. 不过, the team went above and beyond to prepare for Commencement Weekend and offered their assistance on Sunday, 5月21日. I want to extend a sincere thank you to every team member, as last Sunday's event's success would not have been possible without their unwavering dedication and hard work.  

From Maryanne Cline Horowitz, professor of history: A bravo for the outstanding work of Alannah伊舍伍德 (部门事务协调员)!!

From Aly Escobar, administrative assistant, ICC: Shoutout to the wonderful IPO员工 for donating all the flowers for all the Cultural grad decorations and for their continued support throughout the year. 



最新一期播客节目 What's Your Why: Advice From Higher Ed Leadership 专题访谈 哈里·J. 拦,小. 在这一集里, President Elam shares how a passion for social justice, leadership and theater led to a career as a higher ed president. 听这里. 

在一篇新的文章中 认知与发展杂志, Visiting 助理教授 of Psychology 苏珊·格芬 and co-authors extend prior research showing that Canadian English-learning infants will not link function-like words (e.g., 古, ook) with novel objects and suggests that infants’ prior experience with their native language may constrain their learning of novel labels.

助理教授 约尔哈里斯 , along with coauthor Rhiannon Jerch, released a 工作报告 with the Center for Growth and Opportunity. They examine the effect of receiving Temporary Protected Status on formerly undocumented immigrants, finding that legal immigration status led to sustained improvements in income, 工作质量, 和住房.

历史学副教授 简在香港梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里的采访 美国国家公共电台的 的外卖 about her work on Asian American conservatism, with a focus on the role of religion and its intersection with politics. Hong also co-edited a new special issue of Amerasia杂志, with Adrian De Leon (USC) that calls on scholars to reckon with right-wing movements and histories in order to confront broader threats to the radical and emancipatory project of Asian American Studies. More than carbon copies of white conservative politics, they are indigenous to Asian American communities.

The findings of 经济学助理教授 杰西·莫拉 and Mary Hancock '23's recent study on the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese trade indicate that the pandemic had a greater impact on products located in the middle of the global supply chain. This knowledge can be used to inform policy decisions aimed at minimizing disruptions in global supply chains.

Why haven't all the jacarandas bloomed yet? 约翰W. 麦克梅纳明生物学教授 格雷琴北 在最近的一篇文章中回答了这个问题 洛杉矶时报 article

经济学助理教授 凯文·威廉姆斯 合著者发表了一篇 文章中的 劳动经济学杂志 that studies the rise in foreign student higher-ed enrollment in the 2000s. They find the increased enrollments changed the composition of domestic student's major and early-career choices away from STEM and towards business and social sciences.

For more information on faculty scholarship and accomplishments, visit the 研究中心 & 奖学金.


6月3日星期六: Oxy 艺术 Opening Reception - for the sake of dancing in the street

6月9日星期五至6月11日星期日: 2023年校友聚会周末

7月6日至8月19日星期六: Occidental Children's Theater presents Snow White and the 007 Dwarfs 

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