
Four 十大正规网赌平台 professors were honored for exceptional teaching, scholarship and service August 28 as the Class of 2022 was formally welcomed to the Oxy community at the College’s 124th annual Convocation ceremony.

History professor Lisa Sousa was awarded the prestigious Graham L. 斯特林纪念奖, established in 1972 to recognize a faculty member with a distinguished record of teaching, 服务与专业成就.

Associate professor of economics Brandon 莱尔 and biology professor Beth 制动器 both received the Linda and Tod White Teaching Prize, 哪个是基于学生提名的. It has been presented since 2008 thanks to the generosity of Linda and Tod White ’59, 他们两人都出席了典礼.

English professor Eric Newhall ’67 was presented with the Janosik-Sterling Award for Service to the College, created in 1993 to honor the memory of politics professor Robert Janosik.

提名她为斯特林奖候选人, Sousa’s colleagues cited not only her ground-breaking scholarship and outstanding performance in the classroom, but also pointed to her extensive service on behalf of her colleagues and her students. 她的新书, 变成美洲虎的女人, required the ability to read multiple indigenous languages as well as Spanish to describe gender relations and power dynamics in colonial Mexico. 因为她出色的学识, she was named a Scholar-in Residence at the Getty Center last year. "I am humbled and inspired by the combination of linguistic and historical training" that her work requires, 一位同事写道.

Sousa’s colleagues also praised her as "an exceptional teacher: supremely organized, 一丝不苟的, 很深的造诣, 她的方法很有创意." She has been instrumental in creating collaborations with regional institutions such as the Autry Museum and the Keck Foundation that have produced multiple paid internships and research opportunities for Oxy students. Sousa’s colleagues said they also are grateful to her for her tireless and effective advocacy on behalf of a more equitable community. 正如有人所说, "Lisa has made Occidental a better place in so many ways, often not highly visible but powerfully present."

莱尔, 怀特教学奖的获得者之一, was praised as a teacher who takes seriously Oxy’s mission to provide students with the skills and confidence to understand and critically evaluate our increasingly complex, 相互依存和多元化的世界. His teaching reflects a deep appreciation "for the transformative power of a liberal arts education in which students are 活跃的 participants in their education,一位同事写道. 结合“具有挑战性的材料”, 大量的工作量, 期望很高," 莱尔 impresses upon students "that intelligence is not a fixed characteristic, 而是一种技能本身, 这是通过参与发展起来的, 持久的努力, 从错误中学习."

正如莱尔的一个学生所写的那样, "I will admit that this was the most challenging course that I ever took at Oxy, but simultaneously was also the most rewarding course from which I certainly learned the most." Another student testified that 莱尔 "undoubtedly stands out in my mind as one of the greatest professors and mentors that I have ever had (and this is a powerful statement because, 大家都知道, 所有Oxy教授都很棒)."

制动器, 第二届怀特教学奖得主, was praised for creating a "highly experiential, 活跃的, 参与环境, and to develop student connection to the natural world.在做这个的时候, 一位同事写道, she helps students "make discoveries for themselves, and acquire the skills and conviction to continue to engage with science and the natural world, 不管服用奥施康定后他们会采取什么方向."

学生们也称赞了布雷克. "Dr. 布雷克是一位无价的导师 ... She was consistently there to meet with me in person to guide me through designing, 实现, 和写作 ... I felt valued as a student because she believed and supported me for the duration of the process,有人写道. 制动器’s mentorship continues outside of the classroom. 另一个学生写道, "She took the time to ensure that I knew I was supported and cared for, and continues to help me … prepare for post graduate life, despite the fact that our class has technically ended."

埃里克·纽霍尔在西方石油的44年里, "It is staggering to consider the multitude of roles that he has filled: 教师 Council president, 学术指导主任, 核心导演, 副院长, 学生主任,温迪·斯滕伯格说, 学院院长, 颁发Janosik-Sterling奖. As one of the founders and long-time director of Oxy’s Multicultural Summer Institute, "Eric’s vision of MSI as a model of diversity in higher education was ahead of its time,一位同事写道.

Newhall demonstrated the same commitment as 核心导演, when he pushed to elaborate the CSP program into living and learning communities that integrate the curriculum with students’ lives beyond the classroom. For this initiative, he won the 2004 National Student Advocate Award.

纽霍尔对奖项并不陌生, as a three-time winner of the College’s Loftsgordon Award and one of the first recipients of the White Teaching Prize. By nominating him for the Janosik-Sterling Award, his colleagues sought to recognize him for "how directly, 深刻的, and persistently he has served the students and faculty of Occidental." One of his colleagues summed it up this way: "We simply would not be the College we are today without Eric Newhall."