Handmade Community Book “Belonging at Oxy” Now Online


Participants in the “Belonging at Oxy” project received an invitation by mail: “Start w在这里 you are. 利用你所拥有的. 尽你所能.”

This letterpress-printed Arthur Ashe quote was included in page-making kits sent out to more than 300 学生, 校友, 父母, faculty and staff who signed up to participate in “Belonging at Oxy.“社区图书制作项目, led by Book 艺术 乔斯林·彼得森教授 and supported by Occidental’s Special Collections department, set out to bring together Oxy stories from the pandemic and create a lasting artifact for the Special Collections archive. 

去年秋天, when Pedersen read the news that 学生 would not be returning for in person learning in the spring, 她突然有了一个主意.

“I wanted to give participants an opportunity to play creatively and to reflect on their personal experiences of the pandemic. I hoped that by watching their individual contributions be literally bound together into a collective finished artifact, 他们可能会感觉到彼此之间的联系, and a feeling of belonging within the entire Oxy Community.”

Participants received a 12” x 18” sheet of paper to make their page and attended a live Zoom workshop with Pedersen, who demonstrated a range of creative mark-making techniques using pen and ink, 油漆, 图纸及家居材料. 超过 退回115页 by the end of April and the complete accordion fold book measures 40 yards long when entirely expanded. 

“每一页都是一个惊喜,”彼得森说. “It’s been so fun to find everything from incredible collages to beautiful watercolors, clever pop-ups and innovative mixed media drawings with carefully chosen quotes or moving essays. What has surprised and delighted me most is the level of effort displayed across the pages.”   下面的故事继续

除了接收邮件中的页面, 彼得森收到了许多便条, 来自校友的电子邮件和明信片, 学生, 父母, 参与该项目的教职员工. They expressed gratitude, joy and delight at how working on their page made them feel. 

“This project was a much needed reason to express myself creatively and connect with Oxy as an 校友,06级的杰西卡·朱(Jessica Jew)说. “I loved learning about frottage and collecting leaves, flowers and other materials to experiment with the various techniques shared by video and Zoom.” 

Junior Ashley Muranaka-Toolsie was excited to participate in the project. 

“I love art and creating but have not been able to take a studio arts course at Oxy,” she says. “Learning and staying connected with the Oxy community during the pandemic in a memorable and hands-on way was appealing, and crafting my book page ended up being a fun break from Zoom.” 

给一年级的本·威尔逊, participating in the project was a way for him to feel connected to a place he has never seen. 

“Being a first-year student was especially difficult this year because we were remote. When I saw the opportunity to participate in this project, I viewed it as a chance to have that interaction—regardless of how small. It also challenged me to reflect on the past year and how I’ve grown in spite of the unfortunate circumstance.” 

“Belonging at Oxy” was an opportunity for some 校友 to reconnect with a place they hold close. “I was intrigued by the ‘Belonging at Oxy’ project and wanted to take part! I went t在这里 so long ago,” says Anne Marie Novinger ’57, known as Murtz to her Oxy friends. “I still feel a great affinity for my classmates and professors, 并对奥施康定有了深刻的理解.”

Pedersen was surprised by how moving the activity of binding all of the pages together would be for her.

“我感到我们彼此之间是多么紧密相连. Connected across generations, across affiliations, across great distances. 这是一件非凡的事情.”

Occidental 图书馆’s Special Collections has documented every submission and they can be viewed online 在这里. The book will be on display in the 图书馆 during Orientation this August.

This project was presented in collaboration with Occidental 图书馆’s Special Collections with the support of the Lawrence Clark Powell ’28 and Fay Shoemaker Powell ’32 Endowment for the Book 艺术.

