
Four 十大正规网赌平台 students collaborating with faculty mentors in the fields of biology, 地质, chemistry and biochemistry have been named 2021-22 Science Scholars and presented with research grants funded by the Kenneth T. 和艾琳·L. 诺里斯和弗莱彻·琼斯基金会.

The scholars selected by Oxy faculty for the prestigious annual honor are Norris Scholars Amelia Muscott ’22, 雷德蒙德的地质学专业学生, 洗., 还有22岁的麦克拉伦·伊丽莎白·雪莉, a biology major with a marine biology emphasis from West Palm Beach, 佛罗里达州., 以及弗莱彻·琼斯学者Ryan Hino, 22岁, 圣莫尼卡生物化学专业的学生, 和Kian Shamskhou, 22岁, 来自洛斯加托斯的生物化学专业.

每位科学学人获得15美元,为大三春季学期进行的研究拨款, 大三/大四之间的暑期研究, 还有整个高三. Eachscholar will present their work at a professional conference as well as at Oxy's summer 2021 Undergraduate 研究 Conference.

与地质学助理教授达伦·拉森合作, Muscott will pursue a project entitled “Reconstructing glacial fluctuations and late Holocene hydroclimate variability in the western U.S. 来自高寒湖泊沉积物,” an extension of the work she did in summer 2020 analyzing sediments from Lake Solitude, 这是怀俄明州提顿山脉的一个非冰川湖泊.

在她目前的项目中, she will analyze sediments from four lakes in the Teton Range including Lake Solitude, 惊讶的是湖, 云母湖, and Delta Lake to observe glacial fluctuations and hydroclimate variability during the late Holocene epoch—the period covering the last 11,700年. “The goal of my work as a Science Scholar is to improve our understanding of ongoing climate changes and the resulting environmental impacts for sensitive alpine ecosystems in the western United States,穆斯科特说。.

“I am excited to work on a project from start to finish,” she adds. “我最期待的是参加实地工作, 包括在提顿山脉进行为期10天的湖泊岩心探险, 扩展我2020年暑期研究项目的成果, 学习我还没做过的地球化学分析!”

Shirley is working with Assistant Professor of Biology Amber Stubler on a project entitled “Gastropods Utilizing the Cosman Shell Collection,一项关于海洋腹足类动物的海洋酸化研究, 或者海螺, that she began last year using Oxy’s Cosman Shell Collection, remarkable not only for its size and international scope but for its detailed documentation.

“重要的标本数量——大约117个,000—and timespan of collection will allow for a broad survey of the negative effects of and organismal adaptations to ocean acidification caused by climate change, as well as the best practices and methodologies for using museum shell collections to study ocean acidification’s effects,雪莉说. “The Science Scholar Program stood out to me as an incredible opportunity to provide funding for my project, to allow me to support myself financially through the rest of my undergraduate career, and to highlight the importance of this research to a wider audience.”

日野的研究项目, on which he is working with Associate Professor of Biology Cheryl Okumura, is entitled “Investigating the Transcriptomic Landscape of Nafcillin-Mediated Sensitization to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.”

“The development of new antimicrobials and antibiotics is not likely a sustainable solution to the drug and antibiotic resistance problem,日野解释道. “My project involves using computational methods to study the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) genome and working with mutant bacteria to study a specific antibiotic sensitization mechanism that will contribute to future research on developing targeted therapies for antibiotic resistant organisms.”

“I was drawn to Science Scholars because I want to eventually share these findings with the rest of the world and hopefully contribute to the medical community in a meaningful way,他说. “Science Scholars felt like a step in the right direction towards that goal and a great opportunity to dive deeper into the research experience. I believe the program will allow me to grow as a researcher and will help propel me towards a career of purpose and service of others.”

Shamskhou, together with Associate Professor of Chemistry Jeffrey Cannon, is working on a project entitled “Intermolecular Additions of Ketyl Radicals Produced via Photoredox Catalysis” that depends on both remote computational chemistry as well as traditional organic chemistry lab work.

The two are working to discover new chemical reactions that form bonds between carbon atoms—specifically reactions that use visible light so that we can use abundant energy sources as a way of replacing reactions that have larger, 更多有毒废物流.

“When I first found out about the Science Scholars program, I saw it as a way to build upon my personal foundation in research thus far,Shamskhou说. “Having the privilege to further engage in research through activities such as presenting at national conferences will help me in my journey to becoming a better scientist as well as assisting me in my prospective career path.”