U·卡赫纳出版N program participants

Welcome to the final edition of the 2019 Kahane Oxy在联合国报道 新闻letter.

“All good things come to an end”; an adage that despite its truth presents a sad reality that is quite difficult to reckon with. Like all good things, the 2019 Kahane Oxy在联合国报道 program has come to end. Over the past five months, the G-15 have taken on New York City and the United Nations (UN) with much courage, 强度, 耐心, and resilience while dedicating their talents and 努力工作 to their internships, 特别工作组, 和类.

Our last two weeks in the program was filled with so much excitement and sorrow as we celebrated our accomplishments while we reckoned with the fact that the journey was coming to an end. 然而, we were still hard at work right to the very end as we wrapped up our task force reports while preparing for our grand presentation on our semester-long research. With so much excellence, 努力工作, 和韧性, the G-15 delivered an outstanding presentation that will forever echo in the halls of the United Nations Church Center and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The final reports, “The Green Economy & Young People: Initial Perspectives for a Sustainable and Healthy Future” and “Born in a Digital Age: the Risks and Benefits of Digital Job Matching Platforms”, are products of a rigorous research process in close consultation with our clients, the Office of Global Insight and Policy team at UNICEF

During our last week, we were treated to lunch at the United Nations Delegates Lounge where we had the opportunity to say our final goodbyes to our wonderful professors, Jacques Fomerand and Douglas Gardner, 和他的同事们. We also got to bid farewell to our internship colleagues and supervisors. These individuals have been the bedrock of our entire experience in the UN as their advice, 指导, and trust have enabled us to gain a firm grasp of the work of both missions and agencies within the organization.

The G-15 with Prof. Fomerand at the farewell luncheon at the UN Delegates Lounge.
The G-15 with Prof. Fomerand at the farewell luncheon at the UN Delegates Lounge.

On a rainy evening during our last week, we were also hosted by Mr. 威廉和夫人. Elizabeth Kahane at their home, where we were treated to a Sushi meal for dinner. Mr. 和夫人. Kahane welcomed us to their home with grace and warmth and introduced us to their love for the world of photography. In the presence of President Jonathan Veitch, we also had the opportunity to share our UN and Oxy experiences with the Kahanes.

As part of our cultural exposure to New York City, we got to see the Book of Mormon, an award-winning Broadway musical. Thanks to a member of the G-15, we also got the opportunity to meet the lead actor of the musical who gave us a brief background of the musical while leading us on a tour around the stage of the Eugene O'Neill Theatre. 最后, we got to say our very final goodbyes to New York City, G-15家族, and our internship colleagues on Friday as we prepared to depart on Saturday.

UK Mission interns bid farewell to their office space on their last day in the office.

What an amazing semester it has been. We came here mere students filled with both enthusiasm and anxiety and now we depart as skilled professionals and experts on the work of the United Nations. The semester did indeed come with its exciting moments as well as its challenging times. 然而, we depart with great friendships formed and relationships created amongst ourselves, with our internship colleagues, and with our wonderful professors. As gold is purified through fire, we have been through the highs and lows this program brought our way and have evolved into much better students and professionals ready to take on the future.

Our sincere appreciation goes to Mr. 和夫人. Kahane and the college for giving us the opportunity to have this unique and life-changing experience. We also owe thanks to our professors and internship supervisors 和他的同事们. 最后, a special thank you goes to you all for walking with us through this journey.

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