Oxy students and Bill Kahane in NY

The weeks and months that have gone by have been quite exciting and fulfilling; but, with such attributes come the strain and pain of hard work, limited sleep and coffee; lots and lots of coffee.

然而, 再过两周,我们就要告别那些让这次旅行变得有意义的人,告别那些让我们经历的经历. The G15 is pictured above with Prof. Gardner and Mr. William Kahane.

A new addition to the Kahane Oxy at the UN program, the G-15 and Professor Douglas Gardner took a trip to Cambridge, 探索学院及其机构如何与联合国互动和接触, national governments, 公民社会指导和指导国际和国内的发展和经济政策. We met with Harvard University professor, Thomas Vallely, and Tufts University professor, David Dapice是哈佛大学肯尼迪学院阿什民主治理与创新中心的缅甸和越南国内政策专家. The two shared with us their expert knowledge on the successes of economic, political, and social policies, 国际社会对越南的干预,缅甸政府政策的失败及其对罗兴亚危机的影响.

We also met with Nicholas Burns, former US ambassador to NATO and Greece, 他与我们分享了他成为外交人员的道路,以及他对当前美国国内和外交政策的看法. Mr. 伯恩斯对现任政府对美国在国际事务中的声誉造成的负面影响进行了引人入胜的分析. He established that after this administration, 我们将开始这个国家历史上最伟大的复兴进程,以恢复国家在全球的地位. He added that we will have to rebuild our alliances, restore our trade agreements, provide solace to those who seek refuge from us, 重建我们的民主价值观,以便从对这个国家的制度和价值观造成的损害中恢复过来. Mr. 伯恩斯以温斯顿·丘吉尔的名言“伟大的代价是责任”结束了我们的讨论.” With this quote, 他鼓励我们始终承担责任,以行动为导向,努力寻找解决困扰我们社区的一些最大问题的办法, our country, and the entire globe.

The G15 and Prof. Gardner with Oxy alumna Kelly Gallagher.

We also visited Oxy at the UN program alumnus, professor, and director of the Center for International Environment & Resource Policy at Tufts University, Kelly Gallagher, at the Fletcher School. Ms. Gallagher与我们分享了她从Oxy到塔夫茨大学的学术之旅,以及她在Oxy期间加州环境污染对她健康的影响,这激励了她从事环保事业, technology, and energy policy and research. Ms. 在促成《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》的美中协议中,加拉格尔也发挥了重要作用. 她与我们分享了她对美国政府决定退出该协议的失望,以及中国政府等待我们在本届政府结束后重新加入该协议的保证. 她, however, 他补充说,为了实现协议的目标,需要相当长的时间来修复美国退出所造成的损害.

在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院和塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院, 我们会见了他们的招生主任,他们向我们介绍了他们的研究生院提供的独特的学术体验, their application processes, and tips on how to submit good applications.

Our trip to Cambridge, 当我们冒着严寒探索这座历史名城时,马萨诸塞州确实是一个令人兴奋的地方, take in the aura of tradition and excellence that the city brings to bear, 并从与我们互动的学术专家那里获得丰富的知识,他们把这座城市和它的学术机构称为家.

Back in New York City, 即使学期快结束了,我们还是带着勇气和优雅度过了这个学期. Aside from our regular internship and classwork, 在过去的几周里,我们在联合国体验课和预防冲突课上都有一些演讲嘉宾. One such speakers is Mariam Jalabi, 叙利亚反对派联盟驻纽约联合国代表. Ms. 贾拉比是叙利亚妇女政治运动的创始成员之一,并领导了叙利亚反对派与联合国常驻代表团和联合国系统的外交接触. 她的工作重点是妇女参与政治和决策,她的倡导和领导作用已被证明有助于在联合国社区内构建对叙利亚的叙述. In her discussion with the class, she shared with us the history of the ethnic heterogeneous country that is Syria, an in-depth analysis of the current political crisis in her country, her take on the withdrawal of US troops from Northern Syria, and her views on the path forward for the country.

The G15 and Prof. Jacques Fomerand with Ms. Mariam Jalabi.

We were also visited by Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesperson for the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Mr. 杜加里克谈到了许多对联合国非常重要的话题,包括联合国改革问题——他称之为联合国适应问题, climate action, the UN cash flow issue, and the Secretary-General’s limited mandates to solve the cash flow problem. Mr. 通过对杜加里克的访问,我们对秘书长和联合国秘书处处理联合国及其成员国问题的工作有了更深入的了解.

We also welcomed Mr. William Kahane who spoke to us on the topic: Ingredients for Success. “Life and experience are more valuable than sitting at a desk,” Mr. Kahane began his discussion highlighting this phrase as one of his key life principles. 他建议我们走出去,做一些事情,去寻找教室和舒适区之外的经历. He touched on his inspiration to learn another language, 德国, and the irregular career path he had, adding that we should not be afraid to try new careers and take on new opportunities. He spoke about the importance of giving back, be it through money or talent, 在我们生命中的任何时刻,以及这个项目给我们的独特机会,都能做到这一点. 他预示着这个项目向参与者灌输的社区和团结的价值,以及这对我们未来努力的影响. Finally, 他谈到了信任在任何个人或职业关系中的重要性,以及在我们发现自己的任何领域自我宣传的重要性. We are indeed grateful to have had the opportunity to hear from Mr. 感谢他个人和职业成功的关键和价值观,感谢他对联合国“卡汉计划”的持续慷慨支持.

Members of the G15 at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

In the spirit of giving thanks this season, we are immensely grateful to our speakers at Cambridge, Massachusetts and in New York over the past few weeks. We are also grateful to have had the opportunity to hear from Mr. 他的个人和职业成功的关键和价值观,以及卡汉家族对联合国项目卡汉Oxy的慷慨支持.

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