
G-15(2019年Kahane联合国项目的15名学生)于周三抵达纽约, 8月28日, 对我们的未来充满了兴奋和焦虑.

Settling in to New York and the 92 Y – where we will be living for the next three months – we had the chance to explore the lengths and breadths of Manhattan and figure out how New York’s notoriously confusing subway system works. 第一天,我们受到了项目主管的欢迎, 教授. 道格拉斯·加德纳, for a brief session of introductions and program details in a communal dining setting at the 92 Y. We also got to share our individual and collective goals for our time in New York and at the United Nations.


在我们的第二天, we toured some of the iconic spaces within the United Nations (UN) including the historic UN General Assembly Hall. We were also briefed on the three pillars of the UN – maintaining international peace and security, 促进可持续发展, and protecting human rights – and the efforts of the UN in maintaining and enforcing these pillars around the world. 发人深省的话,比如“联合国不是为了把人类带到天堂而成立的。, but to save humanity from hell” and statistics littered the walls of the UN building which kept reminding us of the need to strive for a more peaceful and just world. 我们还被提醒需要支持联合国在世界各地的善意和事业, 不管它有多不完美, 通过全球行动和宣传.


第二天参观了联合国总部和我们的实习地点, we had the opportunity to share a meal with some program alumni who shared with us their experiences during their time here and showed us the ropes. 从如何利用我们的技能, 过去的经验, 以及去哪里买实惠的杂货的知识, the alumni shared with us their experiences in the program and lessons on how to thrive and enjoy New York City and be successful at our internships.

在漫长的劳动节周末之后——我们习惯于熟悉我们的新家, 9月3日星期二,我们开始在联合国指定的特派团和机构实习. 在第一周, some of us were thrown directly thrown into the heat of our responsibilities while others were given ample time to learn about their internship sites and catch up with their recent initiatives. 然而, one thing was certainly common during our first week and this was our shared excitement and anxiety over what the future had in store for us at our internship sites especially as we prepare for the United Nations General Assembly week.


“It has been four days since I started my internship at the United Nations Foundation (UNF) mainly working with the Business Council for the United Nations (BCUN) team. I really felt welcomed by the team on the first day when one of the team members spent 30 minutes introducing me to everyone in the office. 我的主管们还在第二天带我去吃午饭,以真正了解我这个人. I am very grateful that my supervisors asked me about my career interests and tried their best to assign me work in which I am the most interested and from which I can learn the most. 例如, 因为团队知道了我之前在私营部门的工作经历, I was given the long-term project to keep track of what is happening in the finance industry related to the UN and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and to produce a weekly newsletter that will be circulated both in the office and among UNF members. 因为联合国基金会的工作性质, 我经常被要求与我们的成员一起参加冗长的会议并做笔记, but each meeting has indeed been a great opportunity for me to learn more about how the UNF supports the UN from an insider point of view.”

-洪传杰(Felix) 20(联合国基金会)

“Although work at the United Kingdom’s permanent mission to the United Nations got off to a slow start, 我发现任务的环境令人振奋. Upon first arriving, we were given a tour and instructed on the office’s various security protocols. 我们周围到处都是关于谈判、联合国决议和英国脱欧的对话. 多年来,我一直在阅读有关英国行动的文章,但这是一次看到英国实际行动的机会. 正如人们所预料的那样, 特派团非常忙碌,因为它正在为联合国大会和委员会季节做准备. One of my responsibilities in the coming months will be to assist the Third Committee of the UN which addresses Social, 文化, 和人权问题. 考虑到这一点, 凯特Dinauer, 谁还将协助第三委员会, and I were brought into a meeting where the UK’s representatives were discussing the different resolutions and statements which were being written on those issues. We got to glimpse the intricate behind-the-scenes work that goes into preparing the overall message of the UK at the UN. That meeting made me appreciate the skill needed to craft a unified message across a multitude of topics. Lastly, the Oxy UK interns were able to sit in on briefing for the upcoming Climate Change Summit. 我经常在新闻中读到这类峰会. 然而, I do not remember ever hearing much about the planning process and the level of discussion needed for them to be a success. 看到了这个早期阶段,我迫不及待地想看到最终结果。”

- Jack Fernandez ' 20(英国驻联合国代表团)

“在联合国巴勒斯坦难民救济和工作机构工作, 联合国难民救济及工程局, 自从我开始实习以来,一个主要的话题一直是资金问题. 事实上, a UN agency which has always been reliant on external humanitarian contributions since its conception, 联合国近东救济工程处在2018年遭受了最大的打击,当时特朗普总统决定.S. 将不再投资巴勒斯坦难民组织. A decision which now jeopardizes 联合国难民救济及工程局’s ability to keep its programs and services open across the Middle East, my greatest hope as a new staff member this semester is to contribute to 联合国难民救济及工程局’s outreach and capacity building both within and outside of the UN. 第一周的世界风, my internship at 联合国难民救济及工程局 has already taught me so much in terms of the inner workings of the larger UN system. From attending high-level meetings led by the Coalition on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to the upcoming Sustainable Development Goals Summit, 我意识到,观察非政府组织之间的幕后对话, 的排挤, 联合国特派团等. 是否和联合国的具体决定或决议一样重要. 此外, 就我自己的批判性分析和写作技巧而言,这是一次巨大的学习经历, I am looking forward to learning even more with the annual 74th General Assembly right around the corner”

– Isabel Morales ’20 (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (联合国难民救济及工程局))

We also began with the introductory phase of our classes: The United Nations and Conflict Prevention, 联合国的经验, 和特遣部队课程.

外交联系 & 世界事务
