The 社区图书计划 promotes the mission of the College by empowering our students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 父母, 和 other members of the broader Oxy community to experience the joy of reading 和 学习ing together.


The College will purchase an e-book for each student wishing to participate in the 社区图书计划.

2023-24: 编织香草: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge,和 Teachings of Plants

Book cover for 编织香草 featuring a braid of sweetgrass
编织香草, by Potawatomi professor 罗宾·沃尔·基默尔, is about the role of Indigenous knowledge as an alternative or complementary approach to Western mainstream scientific methodologies. 编织香草 explores reciprocal relationships between humans 和 the l和, with a focus on the role of plants 和 botany in both Native American 和 Western traditions. The book received positive reviews, appearing on several bestseller lists including the 纽约时报, 华盛顿邮报》,和 洛杉矶时报

罗宾·沃尔·基默尔 is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, 和 enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. 她是……的作者 编织香草: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge 和 the Teachings of PlantsGathering Moss: A Natural 和 Cultural History of Mosses. 她住在锡拉丘兹, 纽约, where she is a SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental Biology,和 founder 和 director of the Center for Native Peoples 和 the Environment.

阅读全文 来自Dean Sternberg

2022-23: 你的房子会付钱的

斯蒂芬·查的 Y我们的房子会付钱的 has been selected as this year’s Community Book. 优胜者 洛杉矶时报 图书奖, Cha’s 2019 powerful novel about racial tensions in LA follows two families—one Korean-American, one African-American—grappling with the effects of a decades-old crime based on the actual death of Latasha Harlins. Cha weaves a compelling story about how this traumatic event affects both families involved as well as the entire Black 和 Asian communities in 洛杉矶 by depicting events in 1991 和 in 2019.

斯蒂芬·查 他是 你的房子会付钱的,冠军 洛杉矶时报 Book Prize 和 the California Book Award,和 Juniper Song crime trilogy. She’s a critic whose work has appeared in the 洛杉矶时报,今日美国,和 《洛杉矶书评, where she served as noir editor, 和 is the current series editor of the Best American Mystery & 悬念选集.

阅读全文 来自Dean Sternberg
观看录音 八月初. 8 conversation between President Elam 和 斯蒂芬·查

2021-22: The Sum Of Us: What Racism 成本 Everyone 和 How We Can Prosper Together

希瑟McGhee的 我们的总和: What Racism 成本 Everyone 和 How We Can Prosper Together has been selected as this year’s Community Book. A nonfiction title published in February 2021, 我们的总和 is quickly receiving excellent reviews 和 national attention. McGhee argues forcefully that racism hurts everybody 和 that the way forward is by building multi-racial collaborations 和 coalitions, 从而产生“团结红利”.”

希瑟McGhee is an expert in economic 和 social policy 和 contributor to NBC’s 与媒体见面, McGhee currently chairs the board of Color of Change, nation’s largest online racial justice organization. She holds a BA in American studies from Yale University 和 a JD from the University of California at Berkeley School of Law.

阅读全文 来自Dean Sternberg

2020-21: 《骨头上的红色:一部小说

President Harry Elam chose Oxy’s first community book: 《骨头上的红色:一部小说 (纽约: Riverhead Books, 2019) by 杰奎琳·伍德森. From the dust jacket: “As it explores sexual desire 和 identity, 雄心壮志, 中产阶级化, 教育, 阶级和地位,和 life-altering facts of parenthood, 红到骨子里 most strikingly looks at ways in which young people must so often make long-lasting decisions about their lives – even before they have begun to figure out who they are 和 what they want to be.”

杰奎琳·伍德森 is the best-selling author of more than two dozen award-winning books.  She is a four-time National Book Award finalist; a four-time Newbery Honor winner; a two-time NAACP Image award winner, 和 a two-time Coretta Scott King Award winner.  她的 纽约时报畅销回忆录, 棕色女孩的梦想, received the National Book Award in 2014.

相关新闻文章(2008年8月. 24, 2020)


Through thoughtful selection of book titles 和 innovative 和 inspiring programs, 社区图书计划 (CBP) provides an intellectually engaging 和 rewarding experience for the entire Oxy community. The CBP furthers current students’ academic success 和 excellence, while supporting lifelong 学习ing for all of our community participants. 为此目的,我们力求:

  • Create a strong 和 meaningful sense of community 和 common purpose among our diverse Oxy constituencies
  • Foster a close relationship between Oxy’s curricular 和 academic programs 和 our broader community
  • Inspire 和 encourage participants to read, 学习, 和 engage with other Oxy community members in stimulating 教育al pursuits
  • Select a book title each year that is closely aligned with the college’s mission 和 that will have broad appeal to our entire community
  • Provide a series of topical 和 engaging remote 和 in-person 教育al programs that are designed to stimulate thought, 对话, 和 further intellectual engagement among our community members