总统以拦 has commissioned a 促进社区及安全专责小组 at 十大正规网赌平台 to lead a cross-divisional response to the current climate.


Academic communities have been deeply challenged recently by the very real and rising phenomena of antisemitism and Islamophobia—at baseline, 我们当然有一个明确的共同点, 防止此类事件发生在我们校园的道德义务. 也就是说,我们的目标远不止简单的预防. 我们的进一步目标是促进和确保知情的话语和意见的多样性, 帮助不同背景和身份的学生不仅感到安全,而且感到受欢迎, 并为学习和学术提供严谨的学术空间. 在这个全球冲突的时刻, 我担心校园里的分裂言论掩盖了这些目标和学院的目标 mission. 校园里出现了标语, 这里和其他地方, 对一些人来说,这是一个政治口号,但对另一些人来说,这是一种不人道的侮辱. Some students have reported feeling uncomfortable representing their Jewish identities on campus, regardless of their political perspectives; other students have expressed fear of doxxing or cancellation for engaging in political expression. We often talk about what is legally permissible or not permissible—but at a time when both antisemitism and Islamophobia are increasing in the United States, I hope that we can also reach beyond this framework to consider the impact of our words on our communities, 找到相互关心和理解的基础, 即使我们有坚定的观点,分享不同的意见.

带着这个愿望,我委托了一个 促进社区及安全专责小组 领导跨部门应对当前气候,立即行动. 该专责小组将由学生处副处长担任联席主席, 薇薇安·加雷·圣地亚哥, 也是学院院长, 温迪·斯特恩伯格, 并将寻求和借鉴学生的意见, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, 并倡导解决我们社区的持续需求. 在我的全力支持和授权下行事, the Task Force will direct projects and initiatives consistent with the key commitments and areas of focus laid out below, 我鼓励你们在他们开始工作时参与提出建议. The role of the Task Force is to ensure that the various initiatives described here are carried out by the appropriate individuals, 学校办公室, groups, and entities. In that sense, everyone has a part to play in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all members of the community.


与西方宗教和精神生活办公室合作, Oxy Hillel, 学生领导参与及社区参与办公室(SLICE), 以及犹太学生生活顾问, 以及其他犹太学生, parents, alumni, and allies, the College will pursue several initiatives to promote Jewish and Israeli students’ wellbeing and sense of safety on campus. We expect initial efforts to include continuous and productive engagement with Jewish student leadership, 加强教职员对犹太学生生活的支持, and exploring opportunities to partner with organizations that would uplift the Jewish student experience at Occidental.

College leadership and ORSL will continue to meet with the Muslim Students Association and others to identify ways to uplift Muslim and MENA students on campus, 包括对他们饮食需求的支持和增强的灵修空间. Initial efforts will include reviewing options for additional staff focused on supporting Muslim and Middle East/North Africa (MENA) student life.


通过民权 & 第九条办公室和偏见教育和支持小组(BEST), 学院将推出一项预防措施, 针对潜在反犹主义的教育活动, Islamophobia, 以及校园里其他形式的偏见或骚扰. 这次活动将包括, among other things: assessment of the current campus environment and potential for harassment; offering training opportunities for students, faculty, 和工作人员相关的鉴定, preventing, 报道反犹太主义, Islamophobia, and other forms of harassment; and development of educational materials specifically related to combating antisemitism and Islamophobia. 民权 & Title IX Office and BEST will also continue to promptly respond to any individual complaints they receive, 符合各自的程序.


The College will sponsor or promote various forums for restorative interactions among students, primarily, 以及西方社会的其他成员. The 促进社区及安全专责小组 is pleased to announce that as an initial effort, 学院将欢迎 跨信仰美国 在2024年1月到校园呆两天(具体日期待定). The 跨信仰美国 team will host a series of listening sessions designed to create space for diverse viewpoints to be heard in a neutral setting, and will return recommendations for enhancing interfaith cooperation and bridge-building on campus.


与SLICE合作, 设施部, 学生行为办公室, 与校园安全, 学院重申其执行的承诺 学生行为准则, Posting & 宣传政策, 异议权 & 示范政策, and 歧视、骚扰和报复政策等核心政策. SLICE will coordinate training sessions with student organizations to promote their understanding of College policies and provide information on how to engage in political activism consistent with those policies. 从事威胁活动的个人或团体, destructive, harassing, 或其他不允许的行为将被提交给学生行为办公室. 学生行为和公民权利办公室 & Title IX Office will continue to promptly address reports that are submitted to their offices, 同时对个别案件保密.学院亦重申其 否定doxx, encourages students and faculty to learn more about protecting their online presence and to immediately report any safety concerns, and will respond to reports of online harassment or doxxing by College community members.


Faculty from various departments are developing lists of speakers to invite to the campus (expected Spring 2024). In addition, 教师们正在探索如何扩大这一领域的课程设置, 为此目的, we encourage and support the development of new interdisciplinary minor programs that will expand the range of our academic discourse about the region. The 促进社区及安全专责小组 will support and highlight for the community relevant curricular offerings and faculty-led, 课余活动.


The College is seeking to partner with donors and organizations that are interested in promoting a greater understanding of antisemitism and Islamophobia, as well as those who are committed particularly to supporting expansion of Occidental’s related curricular offerings.


We will issue a clarifying policy related to appropriate use of College-affiliated social media accounts, to ensure that such accounts are reviewed by responsible personnel and used to promote the College’s programs and activities. 我们还将审查学院的歧视, Harassment, 和报复政策,根据民权办公室最近的指导, to ensure that the policy adequately addresses the trend of increasing antisemitism and Islamophobia on College campuses. We will also review our policies 和资源 related to doxxing and online harassment.

The College will continue to update our community about the efforts just described and will launch an informational web page noting related events, initiatives, 和资源. I am encouraged by the fundamental belief that together we will continue to shape this institution into the exemplar of academic excellence, 共同的希望, 以及我们所渴望的相互理解.


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